Monday, April 15, 2019

Hasina Wajid’s Puppet Regime Fulfills Indian Interests By Sajjad Shaukat (JR161SS41)

Hasina Wajid’s Puppet Regime Fulfills Indian Interests By Sajjad Shaukat (JR161SS41)

Since the leader of the Awami League (AL) and Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina Wajid came to power, she has been fulfilling Indian interests.

General elections were held in Bangladesh on December 30, 2018.  The opposition parties, foreign governments, media and human rights said that the ruling party was involved in vote-rigging in the elections which were marred by deadly clashes and a crackdown on the media.

Human Right Watch said on January 2, 2016; “An independent and impartial commission should investigate the serious allegations of abuses in the Bangladesh election, including attacks on opposition party members, voter intimidation, vote rigging, and partisan behavior by election officials in the pre-election period and on election day…a campaign marred by violence , mass arrests of the opposition and crackdown on free speech…Thousands of opposition supporters were arrested before the election… At least 17 people were killed in violence related to the voting on election day…voters being denied access to polling places, ruling party activists occupying polling places and casting ballots in the place of voters, electoral officials and the police behaving in a partisan manner, and violations of voter privacy in an atmosphere of blatant intimidation. The opposition Bangladesh National Party (BNP) said its polling agents were denied access in 221 constituencies…The election commission announced that the ruling Awami League won the December 30, 2018 election, returning Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to a third consecutive term, with the ruling party winning 288 of the 298 parliamentary seats contested. The prime minister said the election was free and fair, while the opposition described the election as farcical.”  

In this regard, internationally recognized election monitors and foreign journalists were largely barred  from the country, while Bangladesh authorities arrested journalists for their reporting regarding the control of the ruling party and the officials of voting locations, intimidation of the opposition and irregularities in the elections.

High-speed mobile internet services and a leading television channel were shut down for polling day in an apparent attempt to prevent people organising rallies.

However, the 96% margin of victory of the P.M. Sheikh Hasina strongly indicates towards the one-sidedness of the elections and brought to fore the inequality of the contest. Sheikh Hasina has now transformed into an increasingly authoritarian leader, consolidating grip on power. The opposition however, rejected the lopsided results and demanded fresh elections.  

It is notable that Sheikh Hasina’s consolidation of power implies that former P.M. Khaleda Zia will continue to languish in prison as long as AL is in power. Her son Tarique Zia has obtained political asylum in the UK and has scant chances of returning to Bangladesh to get his mother out of the dungeon.

Election results are however, viewed with criticism as political analysts are expressing surprise that Awami League (AL) has fared even better than it did in the last national polls in 2014, when the opposition had boycotted the elections and many seats were contested by a single candidate. Even in New Delhi, there are some political analysts like Kanchan Gupta who felt that Bangladesh has become a “one-party democracy”, President of Bangladesh Political Scientist Association namely Ataur Rahman stated that the sweeping nature of Hasina’s victory raises “serious doubt” about the fairness of the election. Someone exclaimed that “In Bangladesh, the development story is an upward curve and the democracy story is a downward curve”.

Captions of International media are more interesting. TIME titled ‘They Threaten Everyone, Sheikh Hasina’s Landslide Win in Bangladesh Marred by Voter Suppression”.  German news outlet DW entitled, ‘Has Bangladesh’s ruling party won a ‘managed’ election?’ and The Economist commented with the title, ‘Bangladesh’s prime minister wins a fourth term, in ruthless fashion’.

United Kingdom, European Union and the United States have called for investigation into the alleged election abuses and irregularities, including intimidation of the opposition.  Particular, the US expressed concern over the “credible reports of harassment, intimidation, and violence” before the elections, which made it difficult for several opposition candidates to hold rallies and meet their supporters.

In fact, a majority of the Bangladeshi people does not like Sheikh Hasina’s (And AL’s) pro-Indian policies and favourtism, which are also creating deep dissent in Bangladeshi society. AL also intends to keep Begum Khalid Zia out of the elections, fearing that she can retain power. Therefore, all these despotic measures taken by the Bangladeshi government to keep Hasina Wajid in power in accordance with the direction of New Delhi.

Hence, the win of Sheikh Hasina was jubilated by India as her Prime Minster Nareddra Modi was quick to congratulate her. Bangladesh-India ties will receive a further boost based on the continuity. Another area to foster Bangladesh-India cooperation is “Pakistan Bashing & insinuations” in shape of fabricated allegations of terror-supporting plans. In the recent past, Pakistan’s top intelligence agency was alleged for attempting to assassinate Sheikh Hasina and her family members, including AL leaders. As Dhaka is expected to organised golden jubilee of independence in 2021 such insinuations, media hounding and phony allegations against Islamabad are expected to multiply and the same may become a joint venture of Indo-Bangladesh for obvious reasons. As a matter of fact, India is endeavouring to affect the bilateral relations between these two Islamic countries.

Moreover, Bangladesh is also witnessing an alarming increase in the activities of religious extremists. Based on facts and modus operandi adopted by Indian deep state in exploiting religious extremists against Pakistan, New Delhi is deceitful towards Bangladesh, as she also dislikes China’s increasing influence in Bangladesh. If India is sincere with Bangladeshi people, then why Bengali Muslim migrants to Assam etc. have been ignored in the recently passed “Citizenship Amendment Bill” by Indian parliament.

As regards the pro-Indian tilt, by setting aside the water dispute and border issue with India, during her visit to New Delhi on April 8, 2017, Prime Minister Hasina Wajid signed 22 agreements in the fields of defence cooperation, civil nuclear energy, space and cyber security among others, following bilateral talks between her and his Indian counterpart. Both the countries also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) through which India would extend a line of credit of $500 million to support Bangladesh’s defence-related procurements.

Bangladeshi newspapers had showed un-easiness among the masses in Bangladesh regarding the defense deal between India and Bangladesh. Opposition parties also criticized the defence deal by saying that Hasina Wajid wants Bangladesh to become a colony of India. The BNP had already warned on March 7, 2017 that the people would not accept any anti-state defence deal with India, during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s visit to the neighbouring country.

Nonetheless, Hasina Wajid’s puppet regime has been fulfilling Indian Interests the cost of country’s people, Pakistan and China.

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations


Friday, April 12, 2019

Why Muslims to Pay for the Holocaust? By Sajjad Shaukat (JR 160 SS 40)

Why Muslims to Pay for the Holocaust? By Sajjad Shaukat (JR 160 SS 40)

Massacre of the Jews through various tactics of torture in the concentration camps, erected by Hitler before and during the World War 11 is still shocking and condemnable. It was a big tragedy, popularly known as the Holocaust, conducted by the forces of state terrorism. But, before and in the aftermath of the 9/11 tragedy, the Zionist-Israeli-led America has been taking unjustified revenge of the Holocaust from the Muslims. Although other religious communities have also been facing terrorism related attacks, yet Muslims are especially paying for the Holocaust.

Zionist-controlled American leading think-tanks and media have propagated that “genocide of 5 million Jews was carried out at the extermination camps, using tools of mass murder, such as gas chambers of Germany, Poland, Austria and Alsace”, while some Jewish-influenced Western scholars have estimated the genocide of the 7.8 million Jews.

But, impartial writers, researchers and authors have opined, “Following the rise of Hitler there were no more than 4 million Jews, living in areas occupied by the Third Reich at the height of its power. Yet on June 30, 1965, the West German government announced that some 3,375,000 Jewish holocaust “survivors” had applied for reparations money. The International Red Cross had already reported in 1946 that of registered Jewish camp inmates no more than 300,000 could have died, and their audit to December 31, 1984 records a total 282,077 registered deaths of all internees in all German Concentration Camps from all causes.”

Some Holocaust deniers claim: “The mass extermination of the Jews by the Nazis never happened…the Nazi command had a policy of deporting Jews, not exterminating them”, while some remark that the number of Jewish losses has been greatly exaggerated…that the Holocaust was not systematic nor a result of an official policy…only 600,000 Jews were killed rather than six million. All Jews were not killed through gas chambers, but also due to hunger, diseases and depression.”

On the one hand, the Jews have made the Holocaust the greatest device of gaining sympathy, while, on the other, they have used it for wars, anti-Muslim policies, expansion and foreign-aid, and to fulfill the Zionist ambition of greater Israel. With the support of American-Zionist Jews who manipulate the Holocaust, Israel has also become the sixth strongest military power of the world owing to the US assistance.

However, the holocaust of the Muslims had started in 1991, when the Islamic Salvation Front won nearly two thirds of the seats in the first phase of elections. Supported by the US and some Western powers, the army created panic and cancelled the second phase of the elections. That triggered a brutal civil war which lasted a decade and thus, killed tens thousands of the Muslims. American former President Bush (The Senior) remained silent over the illegitimate massacre of the Muslims. Besides, America’s child-killing sanctions against Iraq and Iran; late action to curb ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and genocide of the Bosnian Muslims were part of the Muslim holocaust.
Everyone knows that Al-Qaeda and Afghan Taliban were created by the American CIA to fight against the former Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

In this respect, former British Foreign secretary, Robin Cook stated: “Throughout the 1980s, he [Bin Laden] was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan.”

The then US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski met Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden and said about the militants (Mujahideen): “We know of their deep belief in God, and we are confident their struggle will succeed…because, you are fighting against the infidel Russians.”

Afterwards, Washington had left Afghanistan in particular and Pakistan in general to face the fallout of a prolonged conflict—terrorism and instability. According to a report, more than 300000 Mujahideen lost their lives in pulling the Russians out of Afghanistan. These Mujahideen who were trained by CIA, later become the Taliban, Al-Qaeda (New version) and the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic State group (Also known as Daesh, ISIS, ISIL). They got the label of terrorists.

Once Henry Kissinger stated “legitimacy is not natural or automatic, but created.” Under the cover of the 9/11 tragedy, the US President George W. Bush who was in collaboration with the neo-conservatives and the Zionist Jews, orchestrated the drama of global war on terror to obtain the illegitimate interests of Israel by targeting the Islamic countries and the Muslims.

Bush who used the words, “crusade against the evil-doers” adding to the perception that the ongoing ‘different war’ against terrorism is actually a war against the Muslims and the Islamic countries also warned the world to choose sides by saying, “either you are with us or with terrorists.” It was due to employment of pressure-diplomacy on the weak states—Muslim countries like Pakistan, Indonesia, Libya etc., including almost all the Arab states which joined Bush’s anti-terrorism war. By exploiting the 9/11 carnage, Bush also got the sympathies of almost all the major Western countries, including NATO states which also joined the fake global war on terror.

By justifying the unjustified war on terror, a number of Muslim countries were deliberately destabilized and converted into concentration camps to attain the political, economic and religious interests of the Jews and those of Israel. For the purpose, double game and false flag operations which still continue became the part of the American CIA, Israeli Mossad and Indian RAW. Their main target is Muslims and the Islamic countries, though false flag terror attacks also keep ongoing in the US and Western countries.

The unjustified revenge of the Holocaust started when in 2001; the US-coalition forces attacked Afghanistan. Then, Anglo-American forces invaded Iraq in 2003, which was also changed in the concentration camp.

During the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and after occupation, the brutal tactics of the US-led NATO like heavy air bombardment and ground shelling by the sophisticated war machinery, including special military operations and extra-judicial assassinations killed many innocent persons. Particularly, the US military strategic warlords who preferred to create a paralyzing effect of ‘shock and awe’ displayed the terrible inferno of destruction in Afghanistan and Iraq.

In this regard, the forces of the Northern Alliance, supported by America had killed hundreds of the Taliban through air strike, who had taken shelter in the Jangi Fort, besieged by the former. Even if, the Muslim fighters, hiding in the fort, did not want to surrender as the Americans claimed, the former could come out within fifteen or twenty days due to hunger and thirst. In another event, the US-backed Northern Alliance fighters had massacred about seven thousand Taliban who were prisoners and were being moved from Kandhar to Kabul in containers.

In case of Iraq, many of the Iraqis, including some members of the former Interim Governing Council were shocked at the violence in Fallujah. Even the US weekly, ‘Newsweek’ admitted in its publication of April 19/April 26, 2004 that the US forces “used very heavy hand in Fallujah where more than 400 people were killed. Four members of the [former] Governing Council resigned in a protest against America’s crackdown in Fallujah…according to doctors figure of the deaths was impossible to check and it is more than 400…an airstrike dropped a 500 pound bomb. Arab language TV claimed that the bomb killed more than a score of civilians at prayer.”

Like Afghanistan, American soldiers also massacred many wounded people and civilians in Iraq. In November, 2004, a number of world’s televised channels, including those of America showed footage of a US marine who was shooting and killing an already captive and wounded Iraqi prisoner at close range in a mosque in Fallujah where civilians had taken shelter.

It is mentionable that the US-led troops, assisted by CIA have carried out indiscriminate mass round-ups in catching up suspected Muslim men and women in Afghanistan and Iraq, including some Arab countries without evidence. Mossad has helped the CIA officials in arresting the Muslim men, having beard and ladies, wearing scarves. Besides Guantanamo Bay and Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison, CIA torture cells were present in several Muslim countries and were also set up in ships where US secret agencies, including FBI and military personnel employed various methods of torture on the militants and suspected persons like physical violence and even murder. American notorious private military firm Blackwater also eliminated countless Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

When America implemented the plan of Rand Corporation and sparked a civil war between the Sunnis and Shias in wake of phony war on terror to promote the objectives of Tel Aviv in the Muslim World, the horrible scenes of deaths were witnessed in Pakistan and especially Iraq.

In March, 2013, an investigative report by the British Guardian/BBC disclosed that acting under the direction of the top US officials; the CIA utilized a global network of secret prisons, foreign intelligence agents and torture centers in various Islamic countries, including Belgium, Thailand etc. where torture was conducted directly by American intelligence operatives.

The report also mentioned atrocities of the US-backed entities, carried out in Bagram Airbase (Afghanistan), Guantanamo and Iraq—unleashed a deadly sectarian militia in Iraq which terrorized the Sunni community and germinated a civil war between Sunnis and Shias, and claimed tens of thousands of lives.
It revealed: “At the height of that sectarian conflict, 3,000 bodies a month were strewn on the streets of Iraq. Rounding up Sunnis in American pickup trucks, the captives were thrown into secret prisons established in libraries, airports, and ministries. Anti-occupation politicians, human rights activists, and journalists were murdered. The purpose was also to terrorize ordinary Iraqis who opposed the US occupation.”

In this context, the report focuses on the role of retired Colonel James Steele who worked with the Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Gen. David Petraeus who also served as President Barrack Obama’s CIA director. Steele sent regular memos to Donald Rumsfeld who forwarded them to Vice-President Dick Cheney and President George Bush, while, thousands of Iraqis died and millions were displaced as a result of the chaos and brutal practices.

As exact details of the death toll in Afghanistan and Iraq are not available due to the Jewish controlled media and their dominated concerned strategic institutes, some independent organizations have published their reports on the basis of randomly selected interviews of the household persons and the military officials. Some latest reports suggest that more than 3 million people, including civilians died in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Following his predecessor, President Obama also continued the ruthless killings of the Muslims to complete the unfinished agenda of the Zionist Jews and Israel. Apart from air strikes on funerals, marriage-ceremonies and mosques in Afghanistan, he converted Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen etc. into concentration camps. As part of the US double game, CIA which created Al-Qaeda and ISIS, including Al-Qaeda’s Al-Nusra Front and Syrian rebel groups in fighting against the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Iraqi regime is responsible for the mass murder of more than 2 million Muslims who were killed in civil wars—ground and aerial strikes of the US-led Western countries, including suicide attacks and bomb blasts, conducted by Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Besides, during the fake global war on terror in these countries and Afghanistan and Iraq, especially in Syria, millions of Muslims became homeless. The plight of refugees—countless deaths, particularly of children due to lack of medical treatment and starvation has displayed the holocaust on larger scale.

President Obama had also broken all the record of human rights by extrajudicial killings of the innocent people through illegal CIA-operated drone attacks in Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen etc. in general and Pakistan in particular.

It is noteworthy that through the war against terrorism, President Bush and Obama provided a golden chance to Israel and India to accelerate the systematic genocide of the Palestinians and Kashmiris by equating the wars of liberation in the controlled territories of Palestine and Kashmir with terrorism. Their forces have been employing military terrorism such as curfews, crackdowns, sieges, massacre and targeted killings to maintain alien rule on these territories.

It is worth-mentioning that a number of investigative reports after lab-verification verified that since 1948, Tel Aviv used the banned chemical and radiological materials against the Palestinians, Egyptians and Syrians, and during various phases of the Palestinian Intifada, which resulted in to severe convulsions, the burning sensation, the difficulty to breathe, the vomiting and pain found in relation to the victims—mostly women and children, a majority of whom died in the long run. In 2006, during the war against Lebanon, Israel used banned chemical weapons like phosphorous bombs in Lebanon and Gaza, which killed 286 Palestinians and injured 4,200.

After the destruction of more than 7,500 Palestinian homes and displacement of some 3,500 families by a brutal military operation, Israel started the barbaric blockade of Gaza in 2007 by preventing humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. This new phase of atrocities reminded the world of a concentration camp, set up by the Israeli Jews for the Palestinians in the modern era. Israel’s main aim was to collectively punish the Palestinian innocent civilians, condemning them to vast devastation, leaving them to imminent death, without bothering even for patients who were suffering from kidney and heart problems. Besides fuel, the occupying power deprived the Gazas of clean water and electricity to ensure that homes, hospitals, factories and shopping markets are not able to function, resulting into a miserable life for the Palestinians—and even to the eventual deaths of the most vulnerable. Nevertheless, Israeli brutalities in Gaza amounts to the brutal treatment of human beings which Jews themselves faced in the concentration camps, established by the ‘Hitlerite Germany’, but, they learnt no lesson. On January 23, 2008, after suffering from acute starvation including everything, Palestinians were forced to pour into Egypt from Gaza Strip through a border wall, blown up by the Hamas militants. This scene reminds the escape of Jews from Sobibar, a concentration camp, established in Poland during World War 11. In that camp, German Nazis had made the life of Jews so troublesome, even culminating to deaths that a number of Jews prepared a plan and succeeded in saving their lives through the ‘escape’.

In July and August 2014, during Israeli war in the Gaza Strip, Israeli military bombed apartment houses, hospitals and the UN schools which were used as shelters and thus, killed 15,000 Palestinian civilians, including women and children.

Earlier, in 1982, during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, the then Defense Minister Ariel Sharon ordered to target the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps and martyred hundreds of Palestinian civilians.

It is notable that India which has also secret ties with Israel left no stone unturned in crushing the war of independence in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK). Encouraged by the double standards of America and the US-led Western powers regarding the solution of Kashmir issue, both open and clandestine techniques of state terrorism have been employed by the Indian security forces to suppress the struggle of Kashmiris who are fighting for their genuine right of self-determination, as recognized by the UN resolutions.

Various forms of state terrorism have been part of a deliberate campaign by the Indian army and paramilitary forces against the Muslim Kashmiris, particularly since 1989. It has been manifested in brutal tactics like crackdowns, curfews, illegal detentions, massacre, targeted killings, sieges, burning the houses, torture, disappearances, rape, breaking the legs, molestation of Muslim women and killing of persons through fake encounters.

Besides Human Rights Watch, in its report on July 2, 2015, the Amnesty International has highlighted extrajudicial killings of the innocent persons at the hands of Indian security forces in the Indian Held Kashmir. The report said, “Tens of thousands of security forces are deployed in Indian-administered Kashmir…the Armed Forces Special Powers Act allows troops to shoot to kill suspected militants or arrest them without a warrant…not a single member of the armed forces has been tried in a civilian court for violating human rights in Kashmir…this lack of accountability has in turn facilitated other serious abuses…India has martyred one 100,000 people. More than 8,000 disappeared (while) in the custody of army and state police.”

It is of particular attention that in 2008, a rights group reported unmarked graves in 55 villages across the northern regions of the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK). Then researchers and other groups reported finding thousands of mass graves without markers. In this respect, in August, 2011, Indian Jammu and Kashmir State Human Rights Commission officially acknowledged in its report that innocent civilians killed in the two-decade conflict have been buried in unmarked graves.

Foreign sources and human rights organisations have revealed that unnamed graves include those innocent persons, killed by the Indian military and paramilitary troops in the fake encounters including those who were tortured to death by the RAW. In the recent past, more unmarked graves have been discovered.

In this connection, in its report, China’s leading News Agency Xinhua has unearthed more unnamed graves in Poonch of the Indian Controlled Kashmir. The report quoted the statement of Sofi Aziz Joo, caretaker of a graveyard as saying, “Police and Army used to bring those bodies and direct me to bury them. The bodies were usually bullet-ridden, mutilated, faces disfigured and sometimes without limbs and heads.”

Some online authentic sources suggest that the latest wave of Kashmiri Intifada has witnessed cruel repression by the Indian armed forces; large numbers of the dead and injured have been youngsters. The pellet guns used by security forces have damaged the faces of 1600 people and more than 1100 people have partially or wholly lost their eyesight making 2016 as the year of dead eyes.

In 2017, reports also disclosed that in the IOK, Indian security forces have also used chemical weapons against the Kashmiri civilians in violation of international law and Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In a development on July 4, 2017, the Indian Army had destroyed houses in Pulwama and killed 3 Kashmiri civilians. Upon recovery of the bodies, it was discovered that they were burnt beyond recognition. 

Sources report that Indian Army is emulating Israeli tactics by using white phosphorus bombs to destroy houses of Kashmiris suspected of harboring freedom fighters. So, New Delhi has converted the Kashmir into the concentration camp.

In the recent years, the US-backed military regime in Burma (present Myanmar) has broken all the record of religious cleansing by encouraging Rakhine extremist Buddhists who butchered thousands of the Burmese Muslims belonging to the Rohingya Muslims through various brutal methods of torture. Eye witnesses disclosed that Buddhist extremists who are in majority in the country, torched several mosques, shops and houses of Muslims, while Burmese military and police have been found involved in genocide, targeted killings, disappearances and rape of Muslim women.

According to reports, nearly one and half million Rohingya Muslims have been murdered since June 28, 2012, while more than 20,0000 are missing.

On March 11, 2006, about the tragedy of Burma’s Rohingya Muslims, BBC reported: “They have been called one of the world’s most persecuted people….in addition to their almost total lack of legal rights, many have been regularly beaten by police, forced to do slave labour and jailed for little or no reason.”

American-backed Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of the Buddhists did not condemn the genocide of Burmese Muslims.

In order to achieve their political and financial goals, the Washington, New Delhi and Tel Aviv had given a free hand to CIA, Mossad and RAW to support the previous military regime’s suppression of the Muslims of Myanmar. Tel Aviv also supplies arms and weapons to Myanmar covertly.

By setting aside the demonstrations and protests in various Islamic countries and by leaders of human rights groups which raised pressure on Aung San suu Kyi, the de facto head of Myanmar’s government and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate had drawn international condemnation for failing to address the rights’ abuses of the Muslim minority.

In fact, if the double game of George W. Bush franchised Al-Qaeda on global level, President Obama’s dual policy franchised both Al-Qaeda and ISIS as part of the anti-Muslim campaign to attain the unfinished agenda of the Zionists, Israeli lobbies and the neoconservatives in the pretext of global war on terror.

The pro-Israeli American President Donald Trump has been openly acting upon the hidden agenda of Israel and that of the Zionist Jews. His decisions such as tough screening process for the Muslims and executive order regarding a ban on arrivals to the US from a number of mainly-Muslim countries, officially recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem, recognition of the Syrian Golan Heights as part of Israel might be cited as instance.

It is owing to the encouragement of the President Trump that the Israeli regime officially declared their status as “the Jewish State” where only Jewish people have rights to self-determination.

The fanatic President Trump is inciting the Christians and Muslims to conduct terror attacks against each other in the Western and the non-Western countries. Especially, he is provoking the non-Muslims to target the Muslims and their places of warships, as false flag terror attacks at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand on March 15, 2019 by Australian man, namely Brenton Tarrant who opened indiscriminate fire at Muslim worshippers killed 50 Muslims are notable in this regard. Sources of the Veterans Today confirmed Israeli connections of Tarrant. Likewise, besides similar assaults of the past, which occurred in the Western countries, four mosques in the British city of Birmingham were damaged overnight on March 21, this year in the latest in a spate of Islamophobic attacks. Intelligence services of the New Zealand and the UK have been stepping up investigations into far-right extremists.

Notably, emboldened by the President Trump, the fundamentalist party BJP led by the Indian Prime Minister Narindra Modi has been implementing anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan agenda. Assaults on Muslims by the Hindu extremist parties have been accelerated.

It is due to the double game of America and some Western countries that CIA, Mossad and RAW are conducting false flag terror-operations through Al-Qaeda and ISIL and their affiliated terror outfits such as the Afghanistan-based Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan. Particularly, dual strategy of America and some of its Western allies have made the ISIL, the most dangerous militant group, which has rapidly spread its tentacles in the US, Europe, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, the Middle East and Africa. Apart from previous terror assaults in America, Europe, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Indonesia etc., ISIL is also behind the recent bombings in Iraq, Iran, Syria and Yemen.

Nonetheless, according to an estimate, more than 8 million Muslims (Excluding the missing persons) have been killed during the so-called war on terror and in various terror related attacks by the militant groups. The figure of Muslim fatalities is more than 6 or 7 million, which has, exaggeratedly been claimed by the Jews in relation to the Holocaust. While, the phony war on terror shows no end. Continuing the fake global war on terror, the fanatic President Trump who is in connivance with the extremist rulers of Israel and India seems determined to kill more Muslims even at the cost of patriot American (non-Zionist Jews), Christians, including those ones who are also being targeted by Al-Qaeda and ISIS. In these terms, Turmp’s anti-Muslim rhetoric can change the entire world into the Muslim holocaust.
While, in 14 European countries and America, there are laws to penalize the deniers of the Holocaust. But, who will punish the President Bush, President Obama, President Trump, Zionist Jews, Israel and CIA-Mossad-RAW agents who committed war crimes and also remained in collusion with the Al-Qaeda and ISIS in a perennial scheme of mass murder.

Without any doubt, we can conclude that the Zionist-Israeli-led America has been taking unfair revenge of the Holocaust from the Muslims who were not accountable for the Holocaust. But, they are paying for that tragedy, as the unjustified revenge of the Holocaust continues unabated.

Note: The article excludes the non-Zionist peace-loving Jews.

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Yemen Civil War (JR 159)

Yemen Civil War (JR 159)
Yemen's recent history is one of division and bloodshed. Until the early 1960s, the country was ruled by a monarchy in the north and the British in the south. Coups in both regions plunged the country into decades of violence, ending with reunification in 1990.
The Middle Eastern nation has long been one of the regions poorest. In 2015, it was ranked 168 out of 188 countries on the Human Development Index, which measures life expectancy, education and standard of living.
Prior to the war, Yemen's population of more than 20 million was projected to double by 2035. Amid high unemployment and dissatisfaction with the ruling Saleh family, the country was ready for change when the Arab Spring swept across North Africa and the Middle East in 2011. Yemen's war unfolded over several years, beginning with the Arab Spring in 2011. Pro-democracy protesters took to the streets in a bid to force President Ali Abed Allah Saleh to end his 33-year rule. He responded with economic concessions, but refused to resign. By March, tensions on the streets of the capital city, Sanaa, saw protesters dying at the hands of the military. One of Yemen's most prominent commanders backed the opposition, paving the way for deadly clashes between government troops and tribal militias.

The conflict has its roots in the failure of a political transition supposed to bring stability to Yemen following an Arab Spring uprising that forced its longtime authoritarian president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, to hand over power to his deputy, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, in 2011. As president, Mr Hadi struggled to deal with a variety of problems, including attacks by jihadists, a separatist movement in the south, and the continuing loyalty of security personnel to Saleh, as well as corruption, unemployment and food insecurity.
The Houthi movement, which champions Yemen's Zaidi Shia Muslim minority and fought a series of rebellions against Saleh during the previous decade, took advantage of the new president's weakness by taking control of their northern heartland of Saada province and neighbouring areas.   in late 2014 and early 2015, the rebels took over Sanaa.
Alarmed by the rise of a group they believed to be backed militarily by regional Shia power Iran, Saudi Arabia and eight other mostly Sunni Arab states began an air campaign aimed at restoring Mr Hadi's government.The coalition received logistical and intelligence support from the US, UK and France. At the start of the war Saudi officials forecast that the war would last only a few weeks. But four years of military stalemate have followed.
Coalition ground troops landed in the southern port city of Aden in August 2015 and helped drive the Houthis and their allies out of much of the south over the next few months. Mr Hadi's government has established a temporary home in Aden, but it struggles to provide basic services and security and the president remains in exile.

The Yemeni Civil War is an ongoing conflict that began in 2015 between two factions: the internationally recognized Yemeni government, led by Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, and the Houthi armed movement, along with their supporters and allies. Both claim to constitute the official government of Yemen. Houthi forces controlling the capital Sanaʽa, and allied with forces loyal to the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, have clashed with forces loyal to the government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, based in Aden. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have also carried out attacks, with AQAP controlling swathes of territory in the hinterlands, and along stretches of the coast.
Participants in the War
Multiple factions are entangled in Yemen's war. However, the conflict divides into two main categories: pro-government forces led by President Hadi and anti-government forces led by the Houthis, who are backed by former President Saleh.
The Houthis hail from Yemen's north and belong to a small branch of Shiite Muslims known as Zaydis. Until summer 2015, the insurgents had infiltrated much of the country's south. They currently maintain control over key central provinces in the north. Hadi's government has accused Iran of smuggling them military arms, an accusation which Tehran has denied.
ul President Hadi's government is headquartered in Aden and is the internationally-recognized government of Yemen. In 2015, Saudi Arabia launched an international coalition in a bid to reinstate Hadi. In recent months, fissures have appeared in Hadi's exiled government, with his former security adviser, Aidarous al-Zubaidi and former cabinet member Hani Bin Braik, spearheading a secessionist movement with Emirati backing.

Ansar Allah (sometimes Anglicised as Ansarullah), known popularly as the Houthis, is a Zaidi group with its origins in the mountainous Sa'dah Governorate on Yemen's northern border with Saudi Arabia. They led a low-level  insurgency against the Yemeni government in 2004 after their leader, Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi, was killed in a government military crackdown following his protests against government policies. The intensity of the conflict waxed and waned over the course of the 2000s, with multiple peace agreements being negotiated and later disregarded. The Houthi insurgency heated up in 2009, briefly drawing in neighboring Saudi Arabia on the side of the Yemeni government, but quieted the following year after a ceasefire was signed.During the early stages of the Yemeni Revolution in 2011, Houthi leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi declared the group's support for demonstrations calling for the resignation of President Ali Abdullah Saleh.[  ]Later in the year, as Saleh prepared to leave office, the Houthis laid siege to the Salafi-majority village of Dammaj in northern Yemen, a step toward attaining virtual autonomy for Sa'dah
The Houthis boycotted a single-candidate election in early 2012 meant to give Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi a two-year term of office.They participated in a National Dialogue Conference, but withheld support from a final accord in early 2014 that extended Hadi's mandate in office for another year. Meanwhile, the conflict between the Houthis and Sunni tribes in northern Yemen spread to other governorates, including the Sanaʽa Governorate by mid-2014.After several weeks of street protests against the Hadi administration, which made cuts to fuel subsidies that were unpopular with the group, the Houthis came to blows with Yemen Army forces under the command of General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar. In a battle that lasted only a few days, Houthi fighters seized control of Sanaʽa, the Yemeni capital, in September 2014. The Houthis forced Hadi to negotiate an agreement to end the violence, in which the government resigned and the Houthis gained an unprecedented level of influence over state institutions and politics
In January 2015, unhappy with a proposal to split the country into six federal regions[ Houthi fighters seized the presidential compound in Sanaʽa. The power play prompted the resignation of President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi and his ministers.The Houthi political leadership then announced the dissolution of parliament and the formation of a Revolutionary Committee to govern the country on 6 February 2015.
On 21 February, one month after Houthi militants confined Hadi to his residence in Sanaʽa, he slipped out of the capital and traveled to Aden. In a televised address from his hometown, he declared that the Houthi takeover was illegitimate and indicated he remained the constitutional president of Yemen.His predecessor as president, Ali Abdullah Saleh—who had been widely suspected of aiding the Houthis during their takeover of Sanaʽa the previous year—publicly denounced Hadi and called on him to go into exile.

Initiation of war
Troops loyal to Hadi clashed with those who refused to recognise his authority in the Battle of Aden Airport on 19 March 2015. The forces under General Abdul-Hafez al-Saqqaf were defeated, and al-Saqqaf himself reportedly fled toward Sanaʽa.[In apparent retaliation for the routing of al-Saqqaf, warplanes reportedly flown by Houthi pilots bombed Hadi's compound in Aden
After the 20 March 2015 Sanaʽa mosque bombings, in a televised speech, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Houthis, said his group's decision to mobilize for war was "imperative" under current circumstances and that Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and its affiliates—among whom he counts Hadi—would be targeted, as opposed to southern Yemen and its citizens. ]President Hadi declared Aden to be Yemen's temporary capital while Sanaʽa remained under Houthi control. Also, the same day as the mosque bombings, al-Qaeda militants captured the provincial capital of Lahij, Al Houta District, after killing about 20 soldiers, before being driven out several hours later.

On 21 March 2015, after taking over Sanaʽa and the Yemeni government, the Houthi-led Supreme Revolutionary Committee declared a general mobilization to overthrow Hadi and further their control by driving into southern provinces. The Houthi offensive, allied with military forces loyal to Saleh, began on the next day with fighting in Lahij Governorate. By 25 March, Lahij fell to the Houthis and they reached the outskirts of Aden, the seat of power for Hadi's government;  Hadi fled the country the same day. Concurrently, a coalition led by Saudi Arabia launched military operations by using airstrikes to restore the former Yemeni government; the United States provided intelligence and logistical support for the campaign. According to the UN and other sources, from March 2015 to December 2017, 8,670–13,600 people were killed in Yemen, including more than 5,200 civilians, as well as estimates of more than 50,000 dead as a result of an ongoing famine due to the war. The conflict has widely been seen as an extension of the Iran-Saudi Arabia proxy conflict and as a means to combat Iranian influence in the region. In 2018, the United Nations warned that 13 million Yemeni civilians face starvation in what it says could become "the worst famine in the world in 100 years
The international community has sharply condemned the Saudi Arabian-led bombing campaign, which has included widespread bombing of civilian areas. The bombing campaign has killed or injured an estimated 17,729 civilians as of March 2019 according to the Yemen Data Project. Despite this, however, the crisis has not gained as much international media attention compared to the Syrian civil war until recently
Hadi reiterated in a speech on 21 March that he was the legitimate president of Yemen and declared, "We will restore security to the country and hoist the flag of Yemen in Sanaʽa, instead of the Iranian flag. He also officially declared Aden to be Yemen's "economic and temporary capital" due to the Houthi occupation of Sanaʽa, which he pledged would be retaken. In Sanaʽa, the Houthi Revolutionary Committee appointed Major General Hussein Khairan as Yemen's new defence minister and placed him in overall command of the military offensive.

Outside support
 The Houthis have long been accused of being proxies for Iran, since they both follow Shia Islam(although the Iranians are Twelve-Imam Shias and the Houthis are Zaidi Shia). The United States and Saudi Arabia have alleged that the Houthis receive weapons and training from Iran.The Houthis and the Iranian government have denied any affiliation. The African nation of Eritrea has also been accused of funneling Iranian material to the Houthis,[ as well as offering medical care for injured Houthi fighters.[ The Eritrean government has called the allegations "groundless" and said after the outbreak of open hostilities that it views the Yemeni crisis "as an internal matter".
The Yemeni government, meanwhile, has enjoyed significant international backing from the United States and Persian Gulf monarchies. U.S. drone strikes were conducted regularly in Yemen during Hadi's presidency in Sanaʽa, usually targeting Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The United States was also a major supplier of weapons to the Yemeni government, although according to the Pentagon, hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of that material has gone missing since it was delivered. Saudi Arabia provided financial aid to Yemen until late 2014, when it suspended it amid the Houthis' takeover of Sanaʽa and increasing influence over the Yemeni government. According to Amnesty International, the United Kingdom also supplied weaponry used by Saudi-led coalition to strike targets in Yemen
 Dynamics of the War
Houthi forces backed by troops loyal to Saleh entered Taiz, Yemen's third-largest city, on 22 March and quickly took over its key points. They encountered little resistance, although one protester was shot dead and five more were injured. Western media outlets began to suggest Yemen was sliding into civil war as the Houthis from the north confronted holdouts in the south.  
On 23 March 2015, Houthi forces advanced towards the strategic Bab-el-Mandeb strait, a vital corridor through which much of the world's maritime trade passes. The next day, fighters from the group reportedly entered the port of Mocha. On 31 March, Houthi fighters entered a coastal military base on the strait after the 17th Armoured Division of the Yemen Army opened the gates and turned over weapons to them
On 2 April, Mahamoud Ali Youssouf, the foreign minister of Djibouti, said the Houthis placed heavy weapons and fast attack boats on Perim and a smaller island in the Bab-el-Mandeb strait. He warned that the weapons posed "a big danger" to his country, commercial shipping traffic, and military vessels.

Houthi forces seized administrative buildings in Dhale (or Dali) amid heavy fighting on 24 March, bringing them closer to Aden.[ However, Houthi fighters were swiftly dislodged from Ad Dali' and Kirsh by Hadi-loyal forces. Fighting over Dhale continued even as the Houthis advanced further south and east. On 31 March, Hadi loyalists clashed with the Houthis and army units loyal to Saleh.  The next day, a pro-Houthi army brigade was said to have "disintegrated" after being pummeled by coalition warplanes in Ad Dali. The commander of the 33rd Brigade reportedly fled, and groups of pro-Houthi troops withdrew to the north.  
In the Lahij Governorate, heavy fighting erupted between Houthis and pro-Hadi fighters on 24 March. The next day, Al Anad Air Base, 60 kilometers from Aden, was captured by the Houthis and their allies. The base had recently been abandoned by United States of America US SOCOM troops. Defence Minister Mahmoud al-Subaihi, one of Hadi's top lieutenants, was captured by the Houthis in Al Houta and transferred to Sanaʽa. Houthi fighters also advanced to Dar Saad, a small town, 20 km north of Aden  On 26 March, after clashes erupted in Aden, Hadi loyalists counterattacked as a Saudi-led military intervention got underway. Artillery shelled Al Anad Air Base, forcing some of its Houthi occupants to flee the area. Saudi airstrikes also hit Al Anad.  Despite the airstrikes, the southern offensive continued.  
In Aden, military officials said militias and military units loyal to Hadi had "fragmented" by 25 March, speeding the Houthi advance. They said the Houthis were fighting Hadi's troops on five different fronts. Aden International Airport suspended all flights.  Fighting reached Aden's outskirts on 25 March, with pro-Saleh soldiers taking over Aden International Airport and clashes erupting at an army base.  Hadi reportedly fled his "temporary capital" by boat as the unrest worsened.  The next day, he resurfaced in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, where he arrived by plane and was met by Saudi Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud
Over the following days, Houthi and allied army forces encircled Aden  and hemmed in Hadi's holdouts, although they encountered fierce resistance from the embattled president's loyalists and armed city residents. They began pressing into the city center on 29 March despite coalition airstrikes and shelling from Egyptian Navy warships offshore  On 2 April, the compound that has been used as a temporary presidential palace was taken by the Houthis,  and fighting moved into the central Crater and Al Mualla districts. Small contingents of foreign troops were reportedly deployed in Aden by early May, fighting alongside anti-Houthi militiamen in the city. Saudi Arabia denied the presence of ground troops,[  while Hadi's government claimed the troops were Yemeni special forces who had received training in the Persian Gulf and were redeployed to fight in Aden.  
Forces loyal to Hadi recaptured Aden with support from Saudi Arabia on 21 July in Operation Golden Arrow after months of fighting. This allowed supplies to finally reach the port city giving civilians desperately-needed aid. On 22 July a Saudi military plane landed in Aden international airport filled with relief aid. On 21 July, a UN ship docked in Aden carrying much-needed relief supplies, the first UN vessel to reach the city in four months. Another ship sent by the UAE also delivered medical aid. On 21 July a UAE technical team had arrived to repair the tower and passenger terminal at Aden international airport, heavily damaged in clashes. On 24 July a military plane from the UAE arrived filled with relief aid.  On 4 August, Houthi forces were pushed back from the Al-Anad airbase, by Pro-Hadi forces.  On 17 October, Saudi Arabia confirmed the arrival of Sudanese troops into Aden for the purpose of bolstering the Saudi-led coalition.  In January 2016, new conflict began in Aden, with ISIL and AQAP controlling neighborhoods in the city.  
The Houthis racked up a series of victories in the Abyan Governorate east of Aden in the days following their entrance into Hadi's provisional capital, taking control of Shuqrah and Zinjibar on the coast and winning the allegiance of a local army brigade, but they also encountered resistance from both pro-Hadi army brigadiers and al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula militants.[  Zinjibar and  Jaar were recaptured by AQAP on 2 December.  In 20 February 2016 the southern Abyan also captured by AQAP linked them with their headquarters in Mukalla. As of February 2016, pro-Hadi forces managed to enter Sanaʽa governorate by capturing the Nihm District killing dozens of Houthi fighters. They continued their advance, capturing some cities and villages.  
Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took control of Mukalla in the eastern Hadhramaut Governorate on 2 April, driving out soldiers defending the city with mortar fire and springing some 300 inmates from prison, including a local al Qaeda leader.  Local tribal fighters aligned with Hadi surrounded and entered Mukalla two days later, retaking parts of the city and clashing with both al-Qaeda militants and army troops.  Still, the militants remained in control of about half of the town. In addition, al-Qaeda fighters captured a border post with Saudi Arabia in an attack that killed two soldiers.  On 13 April 2015, Southern militia said they took control of the army base loyal to the Houthis near Balhaf Mukalla City was recaptured from AQAP in late April 2016, after UAE and Hadi loyalists troops entered the city, killing some 800 AQAP fighters . Although the Houthis took control of Lahij on the road to Aden, resistance continued in the Lahij Governorate. Ambushes and bombings struck Houthi supply lines to the Aden front, with a landmine killing a reported 25 Houthi fighters on their way to Aden on 28 March  
Fighting also centered on the Shabwa Province, in the oil-rich Usaylan region, where Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and Ansar al-Sharia hold sway. On 29 March, 38 were killed in fighting between the Houthis and Sunni tribesmen. Tribal sources confirmed the death toll, and claimed only eight of them were from their side, with the other 30 either Houthis or their allies from the Yemeni military .On 9 April, the Houthis and their allies seized the provincial capital of Ataq. The takeover was facilitated by local tribal chiefs and security officials.[236] AQAP seized Azzan, and Habban in early February 2016  
In the province of Ma'rib, six members of pro Hadi tribes were killed during fighting against Houthis on 22 March.  The next day, 15 Houthis and 5 tribesmen were killed in clashes in the Al Bayda Governorate.  During fighting between Hadi loyalists and Houthi militiamen in Sanaʽa, the Ethiopian embassy was reportedly struck by shelling on 3 April. The Ethiopian government said the attack appeared to be unintentional. No injuries at the embassy were reported.
Armed tribesmen drove off Houthis who had set up a makeshift camp in southern Ibb Governorate and seized their weapons on 7 April Between 17 and 18 April, at least 30 people were killed when the Houthis and allied army units attacked a pro-Hadi military base in Taiz. The dead included 8–16 pro-Hadi and 14–19 Houthi fighters,  as well as three civilians.  Another report put the number of dead at 85.  On the morning of 19 April, 10 more Houthi and four pro-Hadi fighters were killed.
A pro-Hadi official claimed 150 pro-Houthi and 27 tribal fighters had been killed in fighting in Ma'rib province between 2 and 21 April.  On 4 September a Houthi missile hit an ammunition dump at a military base in Ma'rib killing 45 UAE, 10 Saudi and 5 Bahraini soldiers.  On 16 October, Houthis and allied forces reportedly seized control of a military base in the town of Mukayris, pushing opponents out of southern Bayda.  On 6 January 2016, Hadi loyalists captured the strategic port of Midi District, but insurgents backed by the Houthi government continued making attacks in and around the city.
Saudi-led intervention in Yemen  
Along with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates has conducted airstrikes on Yemeni soil. Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Morocco, Sudan, Jordan and Egypt have also contributed to the operations. The United States and the United Kingdom have both provided logistical support and intelligence to the Saudi-led coalition.

In response to rumours that Saudi Arabia could intervene in Yemen, Houthi commander Ali al-Shami boasted on 24 March 2015 that his forces would invade the larger kingdom and not stop at Mecca, but rather Riyadh .The following evening, answering a request by Yemen international recognized government, Saudi Arabia began a military intervention alongside eight other Arab states and with the logistical support of the United States against the Houthis, bombing positions throughout Sanaʽa. In a joint statement, the nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council (with the exception of Oman) said they decided to intervene against the Houthis in Yemen at the request of Hadi's government.  King Salman of Saudi Arabia declared the Royal Saudi Air Force to be in full control of Yemeni airspace within hours of the operation beginning.  The airstrikes were aimed at hindering the Houthis' advance toward Hadi's stronghold in southern Yemen. Al Jazeera reported that Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a Houthi commander appointed in February as President of the Revolutionary Committee, was injured by an airstrike in Sanaʽa on the first night of the campaign.
Reuters reported that planes from Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Bahrain are also taking part in the operation.  Iran condemned the Saudi-led airstrikes and urged an immediate end to attacks on Yemen.  Saudi Arabia requested that Pakistan commit forces as well, but Pakistan's parliament officially voted to remain neutral.  However, Pakistan agreed to provide support in line with a United Nations Security Council resolution, dispatching warships to enforce an arms embargo against the Houthis.
The bombing campaign was officially declared over on 21 April 2015, with Saudi officials saying they would begin Operation Restoring Hope as a combination of political, diplomatic, and military efforts to end the war.  Even still, airstrikes continued against Houthi targets, and fighting in Aden and Ad Dali' went on.
The United Arab Emirates has also spearheaded an active role against fighting AQAP and ISIL-YP presence in Yemen through a partnership with the United States. In an Op-Ed in The Washington Post Yousef Al Otaiba, the UAE ambassador to the United States, described that the intervention has reduced AQAP presence in Yemen to its weakest point since 2012 with many areas previously under their control liberated.  The ambassador claimed that more than 2,000 militants have been removed from the battlefield, with their controlled areas now having improved security and a better delivered humanitarian and development assistance such as to the port city of Mukalla and other liberated areas.  An Associated Press investigation outlined that the military coalition in Yemen actively reduced AQAP in Yemen without military intervention, instead by offering them deals and even actively recruiting them in the coalition because "they are considered as exceptional fighters".  UAE Brigadier General Musallam Al Rashidi responded to the accusations by stating that Al Qaeda cannot be reasoned with and cited that multiple of his soldiers have been killed by them  The UAE military stated that accusations of allowing AQAP to leave with cash contradicts their primary objective of depriving AQAP of its financial strength.  The notion of the coalition recruiting or paying AQAP has been thoroughly denied by the United States Pentagon with Colonel Robert Manning, spokesperson of the Pentagon, calling the news source "patently false".  The governor of Hadramut Faraj al-Bahsani, dismissed the accusations that Al Qaeda has joined with the coalition rank, explaining that if they did there would be sleeper cells and that he would be "the first one to be killed". According to The Independent, AQAP activity on social media as well as the number of terror attacks conducted by them has decreased since the Emirati intervention.
A certification and assurance was announced by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stating that maximum efforts are being taken by the Saudi-led coalition to avoid civilian casualties in order to legally authorize American military to refuel coalition military aircraft and has affirmed to continued its support  The Spanish government initially cancelled the sale of 400 laser-guided bombs to Saudi Arabia, however they have since reversed the decision  In Egypt, the Yemeni foreign minister called for an Arab League military intervention against the Houthis.  Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi floated the idea of a unified military force. The Arab League announced the formation of a unified military force to respond to conflict in Yemen and Libya
Since the mid-2000s, the United States has been carrying out targeted killings of Al-Qaeda militants in Yemen, although the U.S. government generally does not confirm involvement in specific attacks conducted by unmanned aerial vehicles as a matter of policy. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism documented 415 strikes in Pakistan and Yemen by 2015 since the September 11 attacks, and according to the organization's estimates, between 423 and 962 deaths are believed to have been civilians. However, Michael Morell, former deputy director of the CIA, affirmed that the numbers were significantly lower.
During the civil war in Yemen, drone strikes have continued, targeting suspected leaders of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Ibrahim al-Rubeish and Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, two leading AQAP figures, were killed by U.S. drone strikes in the vicinity of Mukalla in 2015. Approximately 240 suspected AQAP militants have been killed by American drone strikes since the civil war began . In 2013 Radhya Al-Mutawakel and Abdelrasheed Al-Faqih, Directors of Mwatana, published a joint report with Open Society Foundations titled 'Death by Drone', detailing evidence of civilian casualties and damage to civilian objects in nine US drone strikes.
Daesh   has proclaimed several provinces in Yemen and has urged its adherents to wage war against the Houthi movement, as well as against Zaydis in general  ISIS militants have conducted bombing attacks in various parts of the country, particularly against mosques in Sanaʽa. On 6 October 2015, IS militants conducted a series of suicide bombings in Aden that killed 15 soldiers affiliated with the Hadi-led government and the Saudi-led coalition. The attacks were directed against the al-Qasr hotel, which had been a headquarters for pro-Hadi officials, and also military facilities. Yemeni officials and UAE state news agency declared that 11 Yemeni and 4 United Arab Emirates soldiers were killed in Aden due to 4 coordinated Islamic State suicide bombings. Prior to the claim of responsibility by the Islamic State, UAE officials blamed the Houthis and former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, for the attacks
May 2015 truce
A five-day ceasefire proposed by Saudi Arabia was accepted by the Houthis and their allies in the military on 10 May 2015. The ceasefire was intended to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid to the country. The temporary truce began on the night of 12 May to allow the delivery of food, water, medical, and fuel aid throughout the country. On the fourth day of the truce, the fragile peace unraveled as fighting broke out in multiple southern governorates. At least three civilians in Aden and 12 in Taiz were killed on 16 May, despite the ceasefire Agence France-Presse reported that "dozens" were killed in southern Yemen by the clashes, including 26 Houthi and 12 pro-Hadi fighters.  
Around the same time reports surfaced in the media suggesting that Oman, which is the only Middle Eastern Monarchy not taking part in the coalition and has a border with Yemen, has presented a 7-point plan to both Houthis and Saudi Arabia. The Houthis accepted the peace talks and the 7-point plan while Saudi Arabia and Hadi government refused negotiations with the Houthis. It has also been suggested that Oman was responsible to mediate a 24-hour ceasefire although analysts doubted if Oman could help bring about more rigid negotiations
The following parts constituted the planned initiative:
·         The withdrawal of the Houthis and forces loyal to deposed president Ali Abdullah Saleh from all Yemeni cities and the return of military hardware and munitions seized from the Yemeni Army.
·         The restoration of the president Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi and the government of Khalid Bahah.
·         Early parliamentary and presidential elections.
·         An agreement signed by all Yemeni parties.
·         The conversion of Ansarullah into a political party.
·         An international aid conference attended by donor states.
·         Yemen entering the Gulf Cooperation Council.
Misc. interventions
On Saturday, 20 August 2016, there were demonstrations at Satin Sanaʽa's Sabeen square to show support for the Higher Political Council, the Shia Houthi governing body and former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh. The head of council pledged to form a full government within days. The crowd size was variously placed at tens of thousands  and hundreds of thousands. The crowd's demands were "quickly rejected by the United Nations and the country's internationally recognized government."[ Meanwhile, Saudi planes roared above the population and bombed nearby leaving an unknown number of casualties.  
On 29 January, the Yakla raid occurred. U.S. Navy SEALs executed a raid, President Barack Obama’s national security aides had reviewed the plans for a risky attack. Mr. Obama did not act because the Pentagon wanted to launch the attack on a moonless night and the next one would come after his term had ended. With only 5 days in Office President Trump was given the task; the raid caused several civilian casualties, with "a chain of mishaps and misjudgments" leading to a 50-minute shootout that led to the killing of one SEAL, the wounding of three other SEALs, and the deliberate destruction of a $75 million U.S. MV-22 Osprey aircraft that had been badly damaged on landing. The U.S. government reported that 14 Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed and acknowledged that "civilian noncombatants likely were killed" as well. Human Rights Watch, citing witness statements, reported the death of 14 civilians, including nine children.
From 1 to 8 March 2017, the US conducted 45 airstrikes against AQAP, a record amount of airstrikes conducted against the group by the US in recent history. The airstrikes were reported to have killed hundreds of AQAP militants.
On 25 March 2017 a court in the Houthi-controlled Sanaʽa sentenced Hadi and six other government officials to death in absentia for "high treason" in the form of "incitement and assistance to Saudi Arabia and its allies".  The sentence was announced by the Houthi-controlled Saba News Agency.  In May 2017, ISIL's Wilayats in Yemen released their videos, claiming attacks upon both government, Houthi and AQAP targets. One, they recorded their attack upon a Houthi target, then assassinating government troops and tribal members. Then posting their suicide attacks.
On 22 July 2017, Houthis and forces loyal to Ali Abdullah Saleh launched a retaliation missile (called Volcano H-2) on Saudi Arabia targeting the oil refineries in the Yanbu Province of Saudi Arabia. Houthis and Ali Saleh media have claimed that the missile hit its target causing a major fire, while Saudi Arabia has claimed that it was due to the extreme heat that caused one of the generators to blow up. On 27 July 2017, Houthis and forces loyal to Ali Abdullah Saleh launched approximately 4 Volcano 1 missiles at King Fahad Air Base, the Houthis and Saleh said that the missiles had successfully hit their targets, whereas Saudi Arabia said that it was able to shoot down the missiles claiming that the Houthis real goal was to hit Mecca.
CNN reported that on 1 October 2017, a US MQ-9 Reaper drone was shot down north of Sanaa, the Houthi-controlled Defense Ministry said that it had "downed" the drone. Also, sometime in late 2017, in a gradual escalation of U.S. military action, a group of U.S. Army commandos arrived to seek and destroy Houthi missiles near the Saudi Arabian border. In public statements, the U.S. government has tried to keep secret the extent of its involvement in the conflict since the Houthis pose no direct threat to America.
CNN reported that on 16 October 2017, the US carried out its first airstrikes specifically targeting ISIS-YP, the strikes targeted two ISIS training camps in Al Bayda Governorate. A US Defense official told CNN that there were an estimated 50 fighters at the camps, the Pentagon said in a statement that the camps’ purpose was to "train militants to conduct terror attacks using AK-47s, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenade launchers and endurance training." strikes disrupted the organization's attempts to train new fighters; the strikes were carried out in cooperation with the government of Yemen
On 2 December 2017, Ali Abdullah Saleh formally split with the Houthis, calling for a dialogue with Saudi Arabia to end the civil war. Clashes in Saana ensued. On 4 December 2017, Saleh was attacked and later killed by Houthi fighters while trying to flee Sanaa.[ Shortly after his death, Saleh's son, Ahmed Saleh, called for Saleh's forces to split from the Houthis. On 7 December 2017, troops loyal to Hadi captured the strategic coastal town of Al-Khawkhah in western Yemen (115 km south of Al Hudaydah) from the Houthis. It was the first time in 3 years forces loyal to Hadi had entered the Al Hudaydah Governorate  On 16 December 2017, troops loyal to Hadi captured the cities of Beihan and Usaylan, officially ending Houthi presence in any major city that is a part of the Shabwah Governorate.The Saudi-led coalition placed the number of enemy fighters killed at 11,000 as of December 2017.
The southern separatists represented by the Southern Transitional Council were backing the Hadi government against the Houthis, but tensions erupted in January 2018 with the separatists accusing the government of corruption and discrimination. Gun battles erupted in Aden on 28 January 2018 after the deadline set by the separatists for Hadi to dismiss his cabinet elapsed. Pro-STC forces seized a number of government offices, including the Hadi government's headquarters. By 30 January, the STC had taken control of most of the city
On 3 March 2018, fighting between Yemen's Houthi Ansarullah movement and Saudi-backed troops left over 55 people dead in the Nihm District in Yemen's north, with many more wounded; on the same day, fighting between the opposing groups killed at least 25 people along the western coast of Yemen. Also in early March 2018, Houthi fighters killed four Saudi "sharpshooters" in retaliation for Saudi Arabia's numerous attacks on Yemen  On 8 March 2018, the Saudi-led coalition conducted airstrikes across Yemen that left 9 Yemeni civilians (including women and children) dead.[ The following day, Houthi rebels launched an attack on a military site in Jizan.. On 2 April 2018, the Saudi-led coalition bombed a residential housing area in Al Hudaydah, killing at least 14 civilians and wounding nine  .On 7 April 2018, according to pro-Houthi Shiite News, dozens of Sudanese troops were ambushed and killed by Houthis which led to calls for Sudan to stop fighting in the war in Yemen
On 9 April 2018, another series of airstrikes by Saudi Arabia killed at least 22 civilians in Yemen, with more injured. A few days later, on 12 April, Saudi Arabia bombed the set of a TV series in western Yemen, killing two people.[ Another series of airstrikes by Saudi Arabia hit Yemen on 16 April, which left at least six civilians (including at least one child) dead, with several others wounded. On 19 April 2018, another series of Saudi killed at least five civilians and injured several others.  In response to Saudi Arabia's aggression against Yemen, Houthi forces hit a "mercenary camp" in Saudi Arabia with artillery and rocket fire (which killed and wounded some people at the mercenary camp), targeted a power plant in the Najran region of Saudi Arabia, and targeted an airport in Jizan. ] Saudi Arabia later carried out a series of airstrikes in northwestern Sa'ada that destroyed three houses, as well as an aerial attack in southwestern Yemen that left 20 people dead. The same day, two leaders of Al-Qaeda in Yemen were killed on Thursday after a security raid was carried out by Yemeni forces in the province of Abyan. The security sources said that the leaders of al-Qaeda in Yemen, Murad Abdullah Mohammed al-Doubli, nicknamed "Abu Hamza al-Batani" and Hassan Baasrei were killed after a raid by security forces in the Al-Qaeda stronghold. Also known as Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula or AQAP, Al-Qaeda are primarily active in Yemen. The U.S government believes AQAP to be the most dangerous al-Qaeda brands.
On 22 April 2018, the Saudi-led coalition carried out airstrikes on a wedding in Hajjah, a town in northwestern Yemen; the airstrikes left at least 33 people dead and 41 wounded. The attack consisted of two missiles that hit several minutes apart. Most of the people killed were women (including the bride at the wedding) and children. Ambulances were not able to get to the site of the attack at first, because, as jets were continuing to fly overhead after the attack, there were concerns about further airstrikes
Houthi media outlets announced on 23 April 2018 that a Houthi political leader had been killed in an airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition the previous week. Also on 23 April, an aerial attack by Saudi Arabia in Hajjah killed 18 people and wounded 13 others, while another airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition in Saada killed at least three people and wounded two others. The same day, Yemen announced that it had fired two missiles at an oil facility in Jizan, a Saudi province near the Saudi-Yemeni border.
On 25 April 2018, Houthi forces destroyed a tank of the Saudi-led coalition on the western coast of Yemen. It was also reported by Yemen's official news agency that 13 Saudi led troops had been killed or wounded in several parts of Yemen.[ Later in April 2018, another series of Saudi airstrikes across a period of 24 hours killed at least eight civilians across Yemen, seven of whom were women and children. At least 10 other civilians were injured as a result of the airstrikes
On 6 May 2018, a Yemeni ballistic missile hit Saudi military positions in Asir. Two Saudi troops were also killed by Houthi snipers in the Haskul military base in Jizan. At around the same time, Saudi Arabia was bombing various parts of northern Yemen: a Saudi bombing in Sa'ada killed five members of a family, and Saudi air raids in Hudaydah left two civilians killed. Saudi Arabia also bombed Hajjah, which ended up being bombed 10 times over a 24-hour period
On 7 May 2018, airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition hit Yemen's presidency building. The attack left at least 6 people dead, all of whom were civilians. 30 people were also wounded in the airstrikes. The following day, clashes between the Houthis and pro-Hadi forces in Taiz allegedly left dozens of Hadi militants killed, with several others wounded
On 9 May 2018, Houthi forces fired ballistic missiles at "economic targets" in Riyadh. According to Colonel Aziz Rashed, a military spokesman for the Houthi movement, the missile attack was revenge for Saudi Arabia's airstrikes in Yemen
On 10 May 2018, separate Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemeni residential areas killed two entire families. One of the airstrikes, which targeted a house in Sanaʽa, killed a father, mother, and two children from the same family, as well as two other civilians, in addition to wounding six people (including three children). Also on 10 May, Houthi forces claimed to have destroyed two Abrams tanks of the Saudi Army in Jizan.
On 11 May 2018, it was reported that cluster bombs made by the United States were being used by Saudi Arabia on their airstrikes that were targeting civilians. ]Also on 11 May, the United Nations Human Rights office reported that April had been the deadliest month to date in 2018 in Yemen, with 236 civilian deaths and 238 civilian injuries in April alone; this was an increase from the 180 civilian casualties in March of that year. On 14 May, the Houthis fired a ballistic missile (that had been domestically manufactured) at a Saudi Aramco oil facility in Jizan. Pro-Houthi forces also shot down a Saudi reconnaissance drone in Jizan (in southwestern Saudi Arabia). ]On 17 May, Houthi forces fired another ballistic missile at a military base in Lahij, in southwestern Yemen, that was run by Saudi soldiers. Also on 17 May, Amnesty International said that heavy fighting near Al Hudaydah has displaced tens of thousands of people. It also warned that "the worst could be yet to come," as Saudi-backed militants were advancing towards the Houthi-controlled area. Amnesty International also said that clashes along the western coast of Yemen had displaced around 100,000 people in recent months, with most people from Al Hudaydah Governorate. It added that it was "a glimpse of what potentially lies in store on a wider scale if the fighting encroaches on the densely populated port city. On 18 May, another Houthi missile was fired into Jizan, in southwestern Saudi Arabia. The missile was reported to have struck Jazan Economic City. Also on 18 May, over a dozen Saudi soldiers were killed and injured by Houthi snipers and their allies. On 21 May, Houthi forces fired a ballistic missile targeting Jizan Airport. ]Also on 21 May, the Saudi-led coalition launched 11 airstrikes on the Kitaf district of Saada, in northern Yemen. Saudi rockets and artillery shells also hit several border areas, which inflicted heavy casualties on houses and farms of citizens. Further, on the night of 21 May, clashes were reported to have started between forces of the UAE and Qatar in the Taiz province of Yemen.
On 22 May, 10 Saudi soldiers and five Saudi commanders were allegedly killed in an attempt to restore a series of mountains in Jizan. On 24 May, it was reported that a Houthi missile targeted a Saudi port in Jizan, at dawn on 25 May, Yemeni forces fired a ballistic missile at a Saudi military camp in Najran. It was also reported on 25 May that airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition killed 7 civilians, in addition to injuring some other civilians, in the Taiz and Saada provinces of Yemen. On 26 May, Houthi forces announced that military drones had bombarded a Saudi airport in Asir for the second time in over a month. The attack led to the suspension of flights to and from the airport. Also on 26 May, a Saudi bulldozer near the Alab border crossing was destroyed by Houthi artillery fire.[ ]Further, also on that day, eight airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition hit Al Hudaydah Governorate, while another airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition on a gas station in Sanaʽa killed at least four people and wounded at least 10 others.[346] Also towards the end of May 2018, dozens of pro-Hadi troops were killed and injured along Yemen's western coast. On 28 May, a Saudi commander was killed in Jizan, and a military vehicle with troops in Najran was destroyed. ]On 30 May, Houthi air forces downed a spy plane in Asir. Also on 30 May, Houthi fighters destroyed Saudi military vehicles.
In late May 2018, pro-Hadi troops prepared to launch a siege on Hudaydah. Colonel Sadiq Duwaid of the pro-Hadi forces stated, "First, we will cut off supply lines, especially between [the capital] Sanaʽa and Hudaydah, then we will place the Houthis under siege." The spokesperson of the United Nations Secretary-General warned that "increased fighting would unleash even more internally displaced people," and Amnesty International warned that fighting near the port of Hudaydah had already displaced tens of thousands of people. It also warned against clashes spreading to urban areas
On 1 June 2018, Houthi forces shot down a Saudi helicopter gunship of the Saudi army in an attack that killed all those on board. Also on 1 June, the spokesman for the pro-Houthi forces warned the United Arab Emirates that Abu Dhabi was no longer safe from retaliatory missiles. ]On 4 June, the leader of Houthi movement claimed that Israeli warplanes had been detected flying over Hudaydah.
On 4 June 2018, Yemen's Red Sea Ports Corporation said that a vessel used by the United Nation's World Food Programme was attacked after it delivered a shipment in Hudaydah, which is under a blockade by the Saudi-led coalition. Mark Lowcock, the United Nations OCHA aid chief, said that no one was injured, but criticized anyone who was attempting to disrupt aid delivery in Hudaydah. The suspect was not known at the time
On 8 and 9 June 2018, heavy fighting began in al-Durayhmi and Bayt al-Faqih, 10 and 35 kilometers from the port city of al-Hudaydah, respectively. The United Nations warned that a military attack or a siege on the city could cost up to 250,000 lives On 10 June, it was reported that the United Nations had withdrawn from Hudaydah. Also on 10 June, it was reported that so far, 600 people had died in recent days as the battle intensified. Further, also on 10 June, Al Jazeera published an article containing reports of alleged torture in Houthi prisons in Yemen.
On 12 June, it was reported that an airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition hit a Doctors Without Borders building. This was despite markings on the roof of the building identifying it as a building of health care and despite the fact that its coordinates had been shared with the coalition. No one was hurt in the attack, but the newly constructed building suffered significant damage.
On 4 July 2018, a United Nations report stated that over 121,000 Yemenis had fled Hudaydah due to the attack on the port city by the Saudi-led coalition. In 6 July, Houthi forces fired a domestic ballistic missile at a "strategic economic target" in Jizan in southwestern Saudi Arabia.
On 9 August, a Saudi airstrike on a school bus in a crowded market in Dahyan killed 40 young school children and 11 adults. The 227 kg (500 lb) laser-guided Mk 82 bomb used in the attack was made by Lockheed Martin and purchased by Saudi Arabia from the US.
On 13 December, a truce was called in Hudaydah, a port city in Yemen. Warring parties agreed to have a ceasefire in the crucial place, which is a lifeline for half the country. The Houthis agreed to have all forces withdraw from Hudaydah in the following days, same as those from the Yemeni government alliance who were fighting them there, both being replaced by United Nations-designated "local troops".
On January 8, 2019, the Council on Foreign Relations listed this conflict as a conflict to watch during 2019. Similarly, the Italian Institute for International Political Studies also claimed it to be a conflict to watch in 2019. Sporadic exchanges of fire and other ceasefire violations have been reported between Houthi forces and coalition troops around Hudaydah in January.
Humanitarian situation
CNN reported on 8 April 2015 that almost 10,160,000 Yemenis were deprived of water, food, and electricity as a result of the conflict. The report also added per sources from UNICEF officials in Yemen that within 15 days, some 100,000 people across the country were dislocated, while Oxfam said that more than 10 million Yemenis did not have enough food to eat, in addition to 850,000 half-starved children. Over 13 million civilians were without access to clean water  A medical aid boat brought 2.5 tonnes of medicine to Aden on 8 April 2015. ]A UNICEF plane loaded with 16 tonnes of supplies landed in Sanaʽa on 10 April. The United Nations announced on 19 April 2015 that Saudi Arabia promised to provide $273.7 million in emergency humanitarian aid to Yemen. The UN appealed for the aid, saying 7.5 million people had been affected by the conflict and many were in need of medical supplies, potable water, food, shelter, and other forms of support.
On 12 May 2015, Oxfam warned that the five days a humanitarian ceasefire was scheduled to last would not be sufficient to fully address Yemen's humanitarian crisis.  has also been said that the Houthis are collecting a war tax on goods. The political analyst Abdulghani al-Iryani affirmed that this tax is: "an illegal levy, mostly extortion that is not determined by law and the amount is at the discretion of the field commanders". As the war dragged on through the summer and into the fall, things were made far worse when Cyclone Chapala, the equivalent of a category 2 Hurricane, made landfall on 3 November 2015. According to the NGO Save the Children, the destruction of healthcare facilities and a healthcare system on the brink of collapse as a result of the war will cause an estimated 10,000 preventable child deaths annually. Some 1,219 children have died as a direct result of the conflict thus far. Edward Santiago, the NGO's Yemen director, asserted in December 2016:
Even before the war tens of thousands of Yemeni children were dying of preventable causes. But now, the situation is much worse and an estimated 1,000 children are dying every week from preventable killers like diarrhoea, malnutrition and respiratory tract infections. On March 2017, the World Food Program reported that while Yemen was not yet in a full-blown famine, 60% of Yemenis, or 17 million people, were in "crisis" or "emergency" food situations
In June 2017 a cholera epidemic resurfaced which was reported to be killing a person an hour in Yemen by mid June. News reports in mid June stated that there had been 124,000 cases and 900 deaths and that 20 of the 22 provinces in Yemen were affected at that time  UNICEF and WHO estimated that, by 24 June 2017, the total cases in the country exceeded 200,000, with 1,300 deaths
On 7 June 2018, it was reported that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) had pulled 71 of its international staff out of Yemen, and moved the rest of them to Djibouti, with some 450 ICRC employees remaining in the country. The partial evacuation measure came on the eve of an ICRC worker, a Lebanese national, being killed on 21 April by unknown gunmen in the southwestern city of Taiz. The ICRC stated "our current activities have been blocked, threatened and directly targeted in recent weeks, and we see a vigorous attempt to instrumentalise our organisation as a pawn in the conflict." In light of the serious security deterioration for ICRC personnel, the international organisation has called for all parties of the conflict "to provide it with concrete, solid and actionable guarantees so that it can continue working in Yemen
The International Rescue Committee stated in March that at least 9.8 million people in Yemen were acutely in need of health services. The closure of Sanaʽa and Riyan airports for civilian flights and the limited operation of civilian airplanes in government-held areas, made it impossible for most to seek medical treatment abroad. The cost of tickets provided by Yemenia, Air Djibouti and Queen Bilqis Airways, also put traveling outside Yemen out of reach for many
Djibouti, a small country in the Horn of Africa across the Bab-el-Mandeb strait from Yemen, has received an influx of refugees since the start of the campaign. Refugees also fled from Yemen to Somalia, arriving by sea in Somaliland and Puntland starting 28 March. On 16 April 2015, 2,695 refugees of 48 nationalities were reported to have fled to Oman in the past two weeks  According to Asyam Hafizh, an Indonesian student who was studying in Yemen, Al-Qaeda of Yemen has rescued at least 89 Indonesian civilians which trapped in the conflict. Later on he arrived in Indonesia and he told his story to local Media. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported in August 2015 that a total of almost 100,000 people fled Yemen, especially to regional countries, like Saudi Arabia and Djibouti. In September 2016, UNHCR estimated displacement of 2.4 million Yemenis within the country and 120,000 seeking asylum.
The Royal Saudi Navy evacuated diplomats and United Nations staff from Aden to Jeddah on 28 March 2015. Pakistan dispatched two specialbPIA flights to evacuate some 500 stranded Pakistanis on 29 March 2015. Several UN staff members and Arab diplomats were also evacuated following the airstrikes .The Indian government responded by deploying ships and planes to Yemen to evacuate stranded Indians. India began evacuating its citizens on 2 April by sea. An air evacuation of Indian nationals from Sanaʽa to Djibouti started on 3 April, after the Indian government obtained permission to land two Airbus A320s at the airport The Indian Armed Forces carried out rescue operation codenamed Operation Raahat and evacuated more than 4640 overseas Indians in Yemen along with 960 foreign nationals of 41 countries. The air evacuation ended on 9 April 2015 while the evacuation by sea ended on 11 April 2015.[ The United States has assets in the region, but through its Yemen diplomatic mission website, instructed its citizens to evacuate using Indian assistance
A Chinese missile frigate docked in Aden on 29 March to evacuate Chinese nationals from Yemen. The ship reportedly deployed soldiers ashore on 2 April to guard the evacuation of civilians from the city.  Hundreds of Chinese and other foreign nationals were safely evacuated aboard the frigate in the first operation of its kind carried out by the Chinese military.[ The Philippines announced that 240 Filipinos were evacuated across the Saudi border to Jizan, before boarding flights to Riyadh and then to Manila.
The Malaysian government deployed two Royal Malaysian Air Force C-130 aircraft to evacuate their citizens. On 15 April, around 600 people were evacuated by Malaysia, also comprising citizens of other Southeast Asian countries such as 85 Indonesians, 9 Cambodians, 3 Thais and 2 Vietnamese. The Indonesian Air Force also sent a Boeing 737-400and a chartered aircraft to evacuate Indonesian citizens.
The Ethiopian Foreign Ministry said it would airlift its citizens out of Yemen if they requested to be evacuated. There were reportedly more than 50,000 Ethiopian nationals living and working in Yemen at the outbreak of hostilities.[429] More than 3,000 Ethiopians registered to evacuate from Yemen, and as of 17 April, the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry had confirmed 200 evacuees to date
Throughout April, Russian military forces evacuated more than 1,000 people of various nationalities, including Russian citizens, to the Chkalovsky Airport, a military air base.
Impact on citizens
Yemeni refugee female and children are extremely susceptible to smuggling and human trafficking. NGOs report that vulnerable populations in Yemen were at increased risk for human trafficking in 2015 because of ongoing armed conflict, civil unrest, and lawlessness. Migrant workers from the Somalia who remained in Yemen during this period suffered from increased violence, and women and children became most vulnerable to human trafficking. Prostitution on women and child sex workers is a social issue in Yemen. Citizens of other gulf states are beginning to be drawn into the sex tourism industry. The poorest people in Yemen work locally and children are commonly sold as sex slaves abroad. While this issue is worsening, the plight of Somali's in Yemen has been ignored by the government. Children are recruited between the ages of 13 and 17, and as young as 10 years old into armed forces despite a law against it in 1991. The rate of militant recruitment in Yemen increases exponentially. According to an international organization, between 26 March and 24 April 2015, armed groups recruited at least 140 children. According to the New York Times report, 1.8 million children in Yemen are extremely subject to malnutrition in 2018 
The civil war in Yemen severely impacted and degraded the country's education system. The number of children who are out of school increased to 1.8 million in 2015–2016 out of more than 5 million registered students according to the 2013 statistics released by the Ministry of Education. Moreover, 3600 schools are directly affected; 68 schools are occupied by armed groups, 248 schools have severe structural damage, and 270 are used to house refugees. The Yemen government has not been able to improve this situation due to limited authority and manpower. Some of the education system's problems include: not enough financial resources to operate schools and salaries of the teachers, not enough materials to reconstruct damaged schools, and lack of machinery to print textbooks and provide school supplies. These are caused by the unstable government that cannot offer enough financial support since many schools are either damaged or used for other purposes. Due to warfare and destruction of schools, the education ministry, fortunately, was able to send teams to oversee primary and secondary schools' final exam in order to give students 15-16 school year certificates. Currently, UNICEF is raising money to support students and fix schools damaged by armed conflicts.
The Yemeni quality of life is affected by the civil war and people have suffered enormous hardships. Although mines are banned by the government, Houthi forces placed anti-personnel mines in many parts of Yemen including Aden.[ Thousands of civilians are injured when they accidentally step on mines; many lose their legs and injure their eyes. It is estimated that more than 500,000 mines have been laid by Houthi forces during the conflict. The pro-Hadi Yemen Army was able to remove 300,000 Houthi mines in recently captured areas, including 40,000 mines on the outskirts of Marib province, according to official sources.[ In addition, the nine-country coalition led by Saudi Arabia launched many airstrikes against Houthi forces; between March 2015 and December 2018 more than 4600 civilians have been killed and much of the civilian infrastructure for goods and food production, storage, and distribution has been destroyed. Factories have ceased production and thousands of people have lost their jobs. Due to decreased production, food, medicines, and other consumer staples have become scarce. The prices of these goods have gone up and civilians can no longer afford them for sustenance.
United Nations  
The United Nations representative Baroness Amos, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, said on 2 April that she was "extremely concerned" about the fate of civilians trapped in fierce fighting, after aid agencies reported 519 people killed and 1,700 injured in two weeks. The UN children's agency reported 62 children killed and 30 injured and also children being recruited as soldiers.
Russia called for "humanitarian pauses" in the coalition bombing campaign, bringing the idea before the United Nations Security Council in a 4 April emergency meeting. However, Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United Nations questioned whether humanitarian pauses would be the best way of delivering humanitarian assistance
On 14 April 2015, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution placing sanctions on Abdul-Malik al-Houthi and Ahmed Ali Saleh, establishing an arms embargo on the Houthis, and calling on the Houthis to withdraw from Sanaʽa and other areas they seized. The Houthis condemned the UN resolution and called for mass protests
Jamal Benomar, the UN envoy to Yemen who brokered the deal that ended Ali Abdullah Saleh's presidency during the 2011–12 revolution, resigned on 15 April. Mauritanian diplomat Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, formerly the head of the UN's Ebola response mission, was confirmed as the new UN Envoy to Yemen on 25 April. The Panel of Experts on Yemen mandated by the Security Council, UN submitted a 329-page report to the latter's President on 26 January 2018 denouncing the UAE, the Yemeni government and the Houthis for torturing civilians in the Yemeni conflict
In December 2018, UN-sponsored talks between the Houthis and the Saudi-backed government were expected to start. The UN has also started using its jets to carry wounded Houthi fighters out of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, to Oman, paving the way for planned peace talks after nearly four years of civil war
Calls for ceasefire
On 4 April 2015, the International Committee of the Red Cross called for a 24-hour ceasefire to deliver aid and supplies after the Saudi-led coalition blocked three aid shipments to Yemen. On 5 April, Reuters quoted a Houthi leader as saying the group would be willing to sit down for peace talks if the airstrikes stopped and a neutral party acted as mediator. On 7 April, China added its support of a ceasefire in Yemen, following an appeal by the ICRC and Russia for a humanitarian pause
Despite Saudi Arabia asking for Pakistan's support to join the coalition, the Pakistan government has also called for a ceasefire in order to help negotiate a diplomatic solution. Alongside Turkey, Pakistan has taken initiatives to arrange a ceasefire in Yemen. According to analysis written in U.S. News, Pakistan's strategic calculations firmly believes that if the Saudis enter into a ground war in Yemen – with or without Pakistani military– it will become a stalemate; therefore, Pakistan is increasing its efforts to potentially help engineer a face-saving solution to achieve a ceasefire and end the war
On 12 April, Saudi Arabia rejected Iran's request about a ceasefire in Yemen  Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said in the Saudi capital,Riyadh, at a news conference with his French counterpart Laurent Fabius, that "Saudi Arabia is a responsible for establishing legitimate government in Yemen and Iran should not interfere. Australia called for the ceasefire in Yemen, because of the civilian casualties numbers On 16 April, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon requested an immediate ceasefire in Yemen. Also he said all parties must stop war as soon as possible.
Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif submitted four-point Yemen peace plan to United Nations. In this letter he pointed to enormous civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure. He said the only way to stop the war is to require that Yemeni parties form a national unity government without any foreign military intervention Furthermore, since 21 April 2016, peace talks have started in Kuwait at the Bayan Palace. In June 2015, a solution to ending the Saudi intervention in Yemen sought the participation of a Yemeni delegation to the Geneva peace talks; the delegation came under attack in the Geneva peace talks
In 10 April 2016, cease fire agreement reached in Yemen, after months of negotiation, but peace talks were suspended on 6 August. Second Yemeni ceasefire attempt on 21 November 2016, collapsed within 48 hours The U.S. and U.K. have put immense pressure on Saudi Arabia following the bombing campaign in Yemen , a Washington Post journalist. On 30 October 2018, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said "It is time to end this conflict, replace conflict with compromise, and allow the Yemeni people to heal through peace and reconstruction." Pompeo emphasized that the Houthi rebels must stop firing missiles at Saudi and the UAE, but he also added that "subsequently, coalition airstrikes must cease in all populated areas in Yemen," aiming at Saudi Arabia. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said all the parties involved in the war need to take part in peace talks initiated by the UN within 30 days.[469] On November 10, 2018, the U.S. announced it would no longer refuel coalition aircraft operating over Yemen. The Saudi-led coalition issued a statement confirming the decision, saying the cessation of aerial refueling was made at the request of the coalition due to improvements in their own refueling capabilities. The move was expected to have minimal impact on the Saudi effort. The U.S. still provides support for the Saudi-led intervention via weapons sales and intelligence sharing.  On 13 March 2019, the U.S. Senate voted 54–46 in favor of ending U.S. support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen and calling on the President to revoke U.S. forces from the Saudi-led coalition.

Socio economic impacts 
In Yemen's "forgotten war," the civilian population has lost the most. According to the United Nations, the death toll surpassed 10,000 at the beginning of 2017, with at least 40,000 wounded. Coalition airstrikes and a naval blockade imposed by coalition forces in 2015 have pushed Yemen - where over 80 percent of food is imported - to the brink of famine.  Yemen has also been hit by a cholera outbreak deemed the worst in the world by the UN. It estimates that roughly 600,000 people have contracted the disease since last year and more than 2,000 people have died from it. Officials have also sounded the alarm amid medical supplies shortages. Doctors without Borders suspended its aid after two years, threatening the daily operations of Yemen's national blood bank. The EU this year called it the "worst humanitarian crisis in the world
Water availability in Yemen has decreased. Water scarcity with an intrinsic geographical formation in highlands and limited capital to build water infrastructures and provision service caused a catastrophic water shortage in Yemen. Aquifer recharge rates are decreasing while salt water intrusion is increasing After the civil war began in 2015, the water buckets were destroyed significantly and price of water highly increased. Storing water has demolished by war and supply chains have been occupied by military personnel, which make the delivery of water far more difficult. In 2015, over 15 million people need healthcare and over 20 million need clean water and sanitation—an increase of 52 percent since the intervention, but the government agencies cannot afford to deliver clean water to displaced Yemeni citizens  
The Yemen civil war resulted in a severe lack of food and vegetation. Agricultural production in the country has suffered substantially leaving Yemen to face the threat of famine. Yemen is currently under blockade by land, sea and air which has disrupted the delivery of many of the countries resources. In a country where 90% of the food requirements are met through imports, this blockade has had serious consequences concerning the availability of food to its citizens. ]It is reported that out of the population of 24 million in Yemen, everyday 13 million are going hungry and 6 million are at risk of starvation. According to reports there is strong evidence suggesting that Yemen's already limited agricultural sector is being deliberately destroyed by warring factions, exacerbating the food shortage and leaving the country dependent solely on imports to meet the food requirements of its    
The war in Yemen is often misunderstood, and the consequent ongoing humanitarian crisis is disregarded. Many analyses reduce the conflict to a proxy war between the Arab coalition—led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates—and Iran. However, the proxy war is only one layer of a multidimensional conflict that includes many factions, some of which are uncomfortable partnerships. One of the most misunderstood and most central parties to the conflict is the Houthis. In the past decade, they have grown in power from an isolated religious movement into a considerable militant faction that controls the Yemeni capital, Sana’a. However, with this success have come new internal divisions and external threats that will influence how the devastating war will end and what might follow.
The Houthis emerged in Yemen as an opposition movement in the early 1990s; however, they did not present a significant military threat to the Yemeni state until the early 2000s. The group originally organized as the “Believing Youth Group,” claimed to “revive” Zaydism, a branch of Shiite Islam, and aimed to counter the increasing presence of Sunni Wahhabi schools in Sa’dah, the Northern Province of Yemen, and particularly in the city of Dammaj. As the organization grew, it planned insurgencies against the state and became known as “the Houthis,” a reference to the family that led the movement. The Houthis fought six wars, called the Sa’dah wars, with the government between 2004 and 2010. These conflicts gave the rebel group combat experience and compelled them to build a military organization. However, their true rise to power occurred during and after the Arab Spring in 2011.
When the protests in Yemen began, the Houthis were present in “Change Square.” After President Ali Abdullah Saleh stepped down and initiated a political transition after months of pressure, the Houthis participated in Yemen’s National Dialogue Conference (NDC), where one of the eight committees formed was dedicated exclusively to addressing their grievances. The political process was fraught. Sana’a had never been host to so many dissenting groups in its modern history and the transition championed by the NDC was an unpopular departure from Yemen’s traditionally decentralized, consociational mode of governance. In the absence of state control, a vacuum emerged that politically ambitious groups in the capital, including the Houthis, worked to exploit.
Eventually, in September 2014, the Houthis seized Sana’a, but this turn of events was anything but sudden. In the months before Houthi forces entered the capital, its militia threaded through the mountainous regions of Arhab and Amran, fighting several battles against rival military units headed by General Ali Muhsin al-Ahmar, the tribal and Islamist political coalition Islah, and independent Salafi fighters. When the Houthis entered Sana’a, it was reported that “not a single shot was fired.” The takeover was slow moving and cushioned with political settlements, not only with the government but also with the Joint Meeting Party (JMP), a coalition of opposition political parties created in 2005.
The civil war expanded into a regional war with the intervention of the Arab coalition in 2015. Despite this increased pressure, the Houthis’ political ambitions proved greater than expected and they quickly gained several advantages over other competing factions. They had already captured the capital of Sana’a, where they seized control of all existing state institutions. They also benefited from the accumulated experience of Saleh, the ousted president of 33 years and the Houthis’ former enemy. Saleh, became an unlikely ally who joined forces with the Houthis to retain his influence  Today  the Houthis have complete control of the capital and the governorates of Amran, Dhamar, Rima, Ibb and al-Mahweet. They also control much of the northwest province of Hajjah, except near the Saudi border, and are present in the central province of al-Bayda. The war has devastated Sa’dah, the northern stronghold of the Houthis, but the province remains almost exclusively under their control.
The Houthis, who prefer the term Ansar Allah (Partisans of God), are generally defined as followers of Abdel Malik and Hussein al-Houthi’s religious and political agenda and the adherents of the philosophy inspired by Badr al-Din al-Houthi. This ideology is inspired by Zaydism, a branch of Shi’ism with similar religious practices to the Sunni Shafi’i sect in Yemen. However, the current conflict in Yemen has produced a new breed of “Houthi.” Today, the Houthi crowd is a broad spectrum of groups—an unruly quasi-coalition spanning religious, geographic and political spaces and hierarchies allied in their opposition to the Saudi-led intervention.
Authority resides in the “Sa’dah Core,” who survived the Sa’dah wars and whose ideologies lean closer to Twelver Shi’ism, which is practiced in Iran but historically alien to Yemen. Twelver Shiite practices that are novel to Yemen are increasingly being incorporated into religious practice; for example, the commemoration of Ashura was publicly celebrated by Houthi supporters en masse for the first time in 2017, and Yemeni Shiites now openly observe Eid al-Ghadir, a Shiite religious celebration rumored to have been practiced mostly in secret previously. Of all the Houthi factions, the Sa’dah Core has the closest ties to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which advise the Houthi leadership. This inner cabal has been described as “paranoid” and extremely “secretive.”
Another faction are the Houthi jihadis, who constitute the majority of the Houthis’ fighters in the war and who are motivated by a radical religious interpretation analogous to Salafi jihadis. They are inspired by the Sa’dah Core and the historical references to the martyrdom of Hussein, the early Shiite imam whose death was foundational to the Sunni-Shiite split. Religious extremists on both sides of the conflict consider the war over—a matter of life or death for their faiths. This framing of the conflict, perpetuated by both Houthi jihadis and Salafi jihadis, has produced widespread sectarianism throughout the country.
Additionally, there are the Zaydi dogmatists. Like the Salafis, they believe that they are practicing a purer form of Islam perfected by their ancestors. Within this religious spectrum, there are also some Zaydi-Hashemites who hope to revive the ancient Yemeni Mutawakkilite kingdom, which vested authority in imams who claimed to have been descendants of the prophet Muhammad. However, none of those calling for the return of the imamate have close dynastic ties to the ruling family that was ousted from power in 1962 or its predecessors.
In addition to the ideological division, the Houthis are also driven by geographic divides that are dictated by existing tribal groupings. The Houthis have the broad support from the Hashed, Bakeel and Khawlan tribes, but there is some dissent within these groups. The tribal dynamic, which preceded 2011, played to the favor of the Houthis, as many northern tribes objected to the ruling Hashed hierarchy. However, as a result of the Houthis’ emerging power, the Sa’dah tribes have become dominant over the north for the first time in decades. The Sa’dah Core has rearranged the geographic social strata by reigning over the regions of Sana’a and Thamar.
Throughout the current conflict, the Houthis have used traditional tribal arbitration methods to secure noninterference from northern tribes that might otherwise have fought against them and succeeded by strategically allowing powerful tribes significant autonomy in their respective regions. The Houthis have also benefited from missteps by the Arab coalition and the Yemeni government. The Arab coalition’s negligent targeting of airstrikes against previously unaligned tribes has given the Houthis new allies, and the government’s discrimination against Yemenis living in Houthi-controlled territories has further alienated parts of the Yemeni public.
The Houthis have failed to mobilize politically as they have militarily. After their initial success sweeping into Sana’a, a number of political parties sided with the Houthis, including the Union of Popular Forces and al-Haq Party, but their motives were complicated—while they were influenced by the legitimacy of the Houthis’ Zaydi identity, they also had to consider their own viability and safety under Houthi rule.
Despite forming political alliances, the Houthis have struggled to manage their supporters effectively, while also grappling with the loss of senior leaders. As early as 2013, the Houthis’ opponents had begun assassinating many prominent Houthi political figures, such as Ahmed Sharaf al-Din and Abdel Karim Jadban. These organizational failures and setbacks have hindered the Houthis’ political efforts, and the political wing that represents the Houthis in international negotiations is their weakest link.
Many Houthi supporters are politically or religiously agnostic pragmatists whose support for the group is based on immediate interests. This category includes former members of the General People’s Congress (GPC) who sided with Saleh in 2012, some northern tribesmen, individuals whose livelihoods were negatively affected by the mistakes of the Arab coalition, and those previously marginalized by the Yemeni government. These pragmatists make up the most substantial fraction of the Houthi organization and are likely to switch sides quickly if the balance of power shifts. Many pragmatists who once tolerated Houthi rule did exactly that when Saleh broke with his Houthi partners in late 2017, prompting fighting between Houthis and loyalists to Saleh that resulted in Saleh’s death.

The infighting between the Houthi and pro-Saleh factions reinforced perceptions that the conflict is primarily between Saudi and Iranian proxies, and after Saleh was killed outside Sana’a some pragmatists proclaimed their dissent and fled Houthi-controlled territory. Executing Saleh was a double-edged sword for the Houthis. It provided the group with a large boost in morale but cost many supporters who idolized Saleh. Some of these supporters have now allied themselves to Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi’s government, including an effective armed faction, the Guards of the Republic, under the leadership of Saleh’s nephew, Tariq. The most influential component of the Houthi group is its militant bloc, represented by the Supreme Revolutionary Committee, which is structured similarly to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. The Houthi military bloc is formidably armed, including with weapons it seized from government forces in the north.
The Houthi military wing provides the only significant female representation within the organization. Women participate in a special militia and are called “al-Zaynabiyat,” after Zaynab, the daughter of the fourth caliph, Ali, who is revered by Shiites. The Zaynabiyat violently perpetuate Houthi political, military and social ambitions by performing physically laborious and culturally sensitive tasks under the guidance of the Revolutionary Committee, including participating in combat, facilitating home searches and guarding female detainees.
The Houthis are waging battles on many fronts, including internally. The military branch appears to be fighting with the political branch and desires absolute control over the Houthi movement. In April 2018, Saleh al-Sammad, the president of the Houthi state and head of its political council, was killed by a coalition airstrike that required sophisticated intelligence obtained from infiltration of the Houthi leadership. It’s possible that members of the military wing provided that information to remove Sammad. Further evidence of the breakdown in internal Houthi dynamics can be found in recent credible reports of mounting tensions between Mahdi al-Mashat, Sammad’s replacement, and Mohammed al-Houthi, head of the Revolutionary Committee, and allegations that Houthi attempted to assassinate Mashat.
The military branch of the Houthi movement could easily take advantage of its powerful wartime role to crush its rivals in the political arm. Doing so, however, would hinder the possibility of reconciliation with other Yemeni groups postwar and would complicate the possibility of peace. If the war were to end tomorrow, though, the tensions within the Houthi bloc would be left unresolved and would likely weaken the movement from within. As long as the divisions persist, they will present opportunities for outside groups—including current enemies. The Houthis’ military wing is eager for Saudi support, and it might be a shrewd move for the Saudis to deliver and draw some of the Houthis to their side while weakening the movement as a whole.
Yemen’s war is a gift to Iran; Iran’s quiet manipulation of the war has reinforced its opponents’ fears that it is a menacing power in the Arabian Peninsula. Due to the mismanagement of the conflict, what was initially an inflated threat is now becoming a reality. Iran has received this reputational boost at low cost. In contrast to the Arab coalition, which spends $5-6 billion each month on the Yemen war, Iran is estimated to spend dramatically less on the conflict—perhaps only several million dollars each year in Yemen. This support has bolstered the Houthis and lengthened the conflict. Over the past five years, Iran and its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, have increased their military and technical support to the Houthis and helped them survive the Arab coalition’s onslaught. When the Arab Spring swept Yemen, Iran’s outreach to the Houthis was not exclusive. Iran was interested in forming relationships with any group open to accepting its patronage. Nor was Iran alone. Yemeni political blocs, and even civil society groups, received new interest from Gulf countries, Turkey and other foreign entities. Like other regional powers, Iran offered workshops and training for independent female activists and grassroots nongovernmental organizations. At one time, Iran also supported a branch of Yemen’s Southern Separatist Movement, which is now allied with Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Iran has lost its influence over other Yemeni groups since the outbreak of the conflict, but it remains the Houthis’ most significant foreign supporter.
While the idea that Iran is the mastermind behind the Houthi movement is widespread, the evolution of the Houthi organization suggests that they sought out Iran, not the other way around. Yemeni scholars on the Houthi movement have argued that the Houthis were impressed by the organization and discipline of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and Lebanon’s Hezbollah and solicited their advice. These experts have also suggested that cooperation is based on political ambition rather than shared religious beliefs.
Iran’s ideological influence on the Houthis may have begun when Hussein Badr al-din al-Houthi visited the Iranian city of Qom in the early 1990s, but Iran’s direct tactical guidance was not evident until the sixth Sa’dah War, when Saudi Arabia increased its involvement in the Saleh government’s wars against the Houthis. In October 2009 and January 2013, two large shipments of weapons from Iran were intercepted by the Yemeni government and the USS Farragut, respectively. These intercepted shipments indicated how important access to the Midi and Salif ports in Hodeidah province are to the Houthis’ war effort. Iran also allegedly transported supplies to the Houthis by air, delivering daily flights to Sana’a airport for three weeks until access was blocked by the Saudi air campaign. A U.N. Security Council report published in January 2019 revealed that Iran is also providing the Houthis with an estimated $30 million worth of fuel each month.
This support is not the same thing as control. In fact, at times the Houthis appear to have acted against the advice provided by their Iranian backers. It was even reported that Iran advised the Houthis against the capture of the city of Sana’a and counseled them to withdraw their forces from specific parts of Yemen—presumably to protect the negotiation and implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The Houthis’ rejection of Iran’s direction revealed that the relationship between Iran and the Houthis, though it had its roots in the 2009 Sa’dah war, was still nascent in 2015. The successful capture of Sana’a was a surprise to everyone who doubted the Houthis’ capabilities, including Iran. It also suggests that Iran was not prioritizing its influence in Yemen at the time. It was the Houthis, not their foreign patrons, who asserted their own will to power and proceeded with their agenda. However, their poor planning and limited political experience prevented them from anticipating the Arab coalition’s coordinated retaliation and since then they have come to rely more on Iranian support.
The Trump administration has sought to amplify the perception of Iranian influence in Yemen, especially since its withdrawal from the JCPOA in May 2018. In December 2017, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley delivered a speech in which she presented evidence that the Houthis had used Iranian weapons against Saudi Arabia and called for international condemnation. As the Trump administration works to increase Iran’s diplomatic and economic isolation, Iran is likely to increase its presence and involvement in Yemen to cement the increased influence it has developed there in recent years. An increased Iranian role would prove even more devastating to the Yemeni people and would exacerbate the humanitarian crisis.

Since the early 2000s, and especially in the past four years of conflict, the Houthis have transformed from a small-scale rebel group warring in Yemen’s extreme north to central participants in perhaps the most significant regional conflict in the history of the modern Arabian Peninsula and the world’s deadliest war today. Since 2011, they have risen from controlling Sa’dah, a single marginalized governorate, to the majority of Yemen’s north, including the country’s capital and its (failing) institutions. Today, the Houthis are taking on the Arab coalition, which is flush with Western weapons and oil money.
It will be challenging to convince the Houthis to view a state of peace as preferable to a state of war. The Houthis, like many other parties to the conflict in Yemen, understand that peace represents the diminution and transformation of their influence in Yemen. Some peace proposals would require the Houthis to hand over their heavy weaponry and withdraw from power centers throughout the country. Forced to transform into a political party, the Houthis would lose exclusive power and privileges across Yemen’s north as they shed their military wing and limit their political participation to peaceful democratic processes.
The Stockholm Treaty signed in December 2018 remains in force but has faltered in its implementation and needs reinforcement. Though it was criticized as vague and insubstantial, the treaty was nevertheless welcomed as a first, albeit tentative, step toward peace. The peace process initiated in Stockholm has faced hurdles in the months since; the head of the U.N. peace monitoring forces has already been replaced amid continuing conflict between the Houthis and their opponents. Monitoring the technical details of the treaty matters, but more important now is finding the political will for peace. Convincing the Houthis to accept peace will require pressure coupled with political incentives to curb their further expansion in Yemen and to ameliorate the world’s worst human-made humanitarian crisis.
As an incentive for peace, disarmament needs to include all non state actors at war in Yemen, including the elite forces that support the government. The Arab coalition will need to engage Houthi representatives and form a functional relationship with them as a show of good faith—as the Arab coalition already has with other Yemeni parties.
The United States will also need to reopen its channels of communication with Yemen’s warring parties and former political figures to end their heavy reliance on their Arab coalition partners and finally play a significant role as mediator. The U.S. relationship with Iran will determine the extent and direction of Iranian involvement and influence on the Houthis in Yemen.
 Focusing on the needs of the Houthis , in isolation from the needs of rebuilding Yemen as a whole will only lead to failed peace attempts and could empower the Houthis further. If Yemen is to remain a unitary state, the grievances of all Yemenis will need to be addressed. To ensure this happens, international organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union, and countries with regional credibility and legitimacy such as Oman, should step up to act as primary partners for peace with the support of the United States, Britain and other powerful countries.
If the Houthis fail to uphold their end of the peace bargain, the United Nations and other peace brokers should pressure the Houthis with exclusion in post conflict arrangements or the peace-building process—especially if the other political and military factions in Yemen can agree. But this should be a last resort. The Houthis are a powerful faction, and even if they have struggled to govern the country, they have demonstrated the capacity to stoke conflict and spoil political cooperation. This will remain true whenever the war ends.

Parliament: Apr., 1 ,2019: Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, who lives in Saudi Arabia while rival Houthi forces control the capital Sanaa, made a rare visit to his country on Saturday for a meeting of the divided parliament in a loyalist southern province.In Sanaa, however, the Houthis have started to organise elections to fill 24 vacant seats in the same parliament  Both sides are under pressure from international players to implement a United Nations-sponsored ceasefire deal agreed last year in Sweden and to prepare for a wider political dialogue that would end the four-year-old war. Lawmakers from both sides would ultimately meet to agree on a political framework. Hadi’s Riyadh-backed government, which is still recognised internationally, has been based in the southern port city of Aden since 2015 and Hadi has not set foot there since a visit last August. Hadi-aligned parliamentarians gathered in Sayun, Hadramout  province on Saturday elected Sultan al-Burkani of the General People’s Congress (GPC) of late Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh as their new speaker.
Peace Talks: Apr., 15, 2019: More than four years after a brutal civil war in Yemen that has claimed thousands of lives and has pushed millions to the brink of starvation, Houthi rebels are ready to establish relations with the United States The conflict in Yemen started in 2015 and escalated into a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia when a Saudi-led coalition intervened to help the internationally recognized government roll back Iran-aligned Houthi rebels. The United States also became involved by providing the Saudi-led campaign aircraft refueling and some intelligence support. In an exclusive interview with the Voice of America, Hisham Sharaf Abdullah, the foreign minister of the Houthis' self-proclaimed National Salvation Government, said the group wishes to build relations with the U.S. as the warring sides seek to find a solution in the U.N.-led peace talks
"Surely we are interested in having a good relationship with the United States. Everyone should know that," Abdullah told VOA Thursday in a phone interview from the capital Sanaa. U.S. lawmakers last week voted on a resolution forcing an end to U.S. military support for the Saudi-led campaign. In turn, the White House condemned the measure and warned it would harm U.S. relations with its allies in the region, including Saudi Arabia. .The Trump administration has been considering whether to designate Yemen's Houthi rebels a terrorist organization due to its close ties with Iran, according to a report by The Washington Post last year. Officials in Washington accuse Houthis of getting direct military and financial support from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Iran's elite force that will be labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S., effective Monday .But Houthi leaders are denying those allegations, maintaining that their relations with Tehran are diplomatic to gain humanitarian support for affected civilians in Yemen  The Houthi movement consists mostly of the Shiite sect known as the Zaidis, which account for nearly 35 percent of Yemen's nearly 30 million population. The group has accused the majority Sunni sect of marginalization in the past . Since the 2015 conflict, the Houthis have transformed themselves from an isolated group in northeastern governorate of Saada to a local de facto state ruling a bulk of Yemen's key areas in the north, including the capital Sanaa.  Their control has come at a heavy cost, however, with tens of thousands killed on both sides of the conflict and has caused what the United Nations said is the world's most urgent humanitarian crisis. The U.N. warns that two-thirds of all districts in the country are in a "pre-famine" state and an estimated 80 percent of the population are in need of some form of humanitarian assistance. A U.N.-sponsored initiative began in early December, when representatives from the warring sides came face-to-face in Sweden to discuss a peace process and agreed on a truce. But the effort has remained fragile as violence continues and each side blames the other for exploiting the process to prepare for war .Human right activists, meanwhile, are raising concerns over human rights violations by Houthis, including allegations of arbitrary detentions, torture and kidnapping.  there are accusations that Houthis are blocking access to the delivery of much-needed food and medicine to civilians in Yemen.

 Yemen civil war ceasefire: May, 11, 2019: 
Yemen's Houthi group has unilaterally agreed to withdraw forces from three key ports, the United Nations said on Friday, a move needed to pave the way for political negotiations to end the country's four-year war. The group will redeploy its fighters from the ports of Hodeidah, Saleef and Ras Isa over four days, starting on Saturday, said the UN mission to support a peace deal brokered in Sweden last December.  The move should allow the UN to take "a leading role in supporting the Red Sea Ports Corporation in managing the ports" and to enhance UN checks on cargoes. Under the agreement, pro-government forces are also expected to leave positions around the outskirts of Hodeidah in the initial redeployment, before a second phase in which both sides pull back further. The coalition alleges the Houthis use Hodeidah as a landing point to smuggle weapons supplied by Iran into Yemen, a charge the Houthis have denied. Humanitarian officials have long pleaded with Yemen's warring sides to spare the port, which serves as the entry point for the bulk of Yemen's commercial imports and a lifeline for aid supplies. 
Houthis capture Saudi posts: June, 6, 2019:

 Yemen’s Houthi rebel group on Wednesday claimed to have captured 20 military positions inside Saudi Arabia’s southwestern Najran province  Houthi spokesman Yahya Sarei said the sites were captured in a “surprise” offensive carried out over the last 2 hours. Earlier Wednesday, the Houthi-run Al-Masirah television channel reported that Houthi fighters had launched multiple attacks on several Saudi military positions in Najran, which is located adjacent to the Yemeni border. According to Sarei, Houthi fighters overwhelmed the positions in a “surprise attack carried out along three separate axes”. The spokesman went on to assert that more than 200 personnel affiliated with a Saudi-led military coalition had been killed or wounded, while numerous others were captured along with large quantities of military equipment

Houthi drone attack: June, 10, 2019:
Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi movement launched multiple drone attacks targeting Jizan airport in Saudi Arabia near the border with Yemen, a tweet on Sunday by the group’s TV Al-Masirah said. The attacks targeted Saudi drone bunkers and stations in the airport, it added.There was no Saudi confirmation of the attacks.

The Houthis, who overthrew the Saudi-backed internationally recognised government from power in the Yemeni capital Sanaa in late 2014, have stepped up missile and drone attacks on Saudi cities in the past two weeks. Last Thursday, the rebel group said they had targeted the airport in the Saudi Arabian city of Najran with a drone strike. The kingdom said the attack was intercepted by its air defenses and destroyed.

Airport Attack: June, 13, 2109:
Yemen's Houthis have fired a missile at Saudi Arabia's Abha airport, wounding 26 civilians in the building's arrivals hall, according to the Saudi-UAE-led coalition fighting the rebels.  A projectile hit the arrivals hall at Abha airport, causing material damage. Three women and two children were among the wounded, and were of Saudi, Yemeni and Indian nationalities, it said. Houthi-affiliated Al Masirah TV reported that the Houthi forces launched a cruise missile attack on Abha airport, which is about 200km north of the border with Yemen and serves domestic and regional routes     

Houthi drone attack: June, 19, 2019: Yemen's Houthi movement launched a new drone attack targeting the Abha airport in southern Saudi Arabia, the group's Al Masirah TV said on Monday. There was no immediate confirmation of the attack from Saudi Arabia, which on Saturday launched air attacks on Houthi rebel forces in Yemen's capital Sanaa, part of an escalation of tit-for-tat attacks that has stoked regional tensions.
The Houthis have stepped up drone and missile attacks on cities in neighbouring Saudi Arabia in recent months as tensions have risen between Iran and Gulf Arab states allied with the United States further afield across the Middle East.  southern regions of Saudi Arabia, including Abha, Khamis Mushait and Jizan.
Since the Western-backed coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) began their military campaign nearly four years ago, more than 10,000 people have been killed. The civil war has pushed the impoverished country to the verge of famine, according to the United Nations and aid agencies.
The Yemen conflict is widely seen in the region as a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Attacks on oil tankers near the Strait of Hormuz has raised tensions, with the US and Saudi Arabia pointing the finger at Tehran.     
"We also call on airline companies and civilians to stay away from airports and military sites as they have become legitimate targets," spokesman Yahya Sariee said in a Facebook post.
Drone shot down: June, 20, 2019: Saudi air defenses on Wednesday shot down a drone launched by Houthi rebels from Yemen, according to a spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition."The drone was intercepted over [Yemen's] Hajjah province before entering the Saudi airspace," Colonel 
Turki Al-Malki said in a statement cited by the official SPA news agency.  
Houthis attack : June, 27,2019: Yemen’s Houthi group attacked military positions and aircraft hangars at Saudi Arabia’s Abha and Jizan airports, the group’s Al Masirah TVsaid on Tuesday, citing a military spokesman. There was no immediate confirmation from Saudi authorities.

US missile: June, 30, 2019: Military officials with Libya's United Nations-recognised government say they have seized United States-made weapons at a base they captured from forces loyal to renegade General Khalifa Haftar in Libya, prompting an investigation by the US State Department.

The Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) on Wednesday retook Gharyan, a strategic town south of the capital, from Haftar's self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA). The GNA said that among the weaponry its forces had seized were a number of US-made Javelin anti-tank missiles packed in wooden crates marked "armed forces of the United Arab Emirates" (UAE). Libyan media also aired footage that appeared to show markings that indicated that the US-made weapons were originally sold to the UAE - a major buyer of US weapons and one of Haftar's main international supporters -in 2008.

UAE withdraw: July, 13,2019:

 - Military forces of the United Arab Emirates have started a withdrawal from the conflict in Yemen, Emirati officials said, leaving Saudi Arabia to fight Houthi rebels. For four years, the UAE has provided weapons, funding, training and at least 5,000 troops to a cause which props up Yemen's government but has killed thousands of civilians but resulted in a massive humanitarian crisis. In the past month, the Emerati deployment at rebel-held Hodeidah, Yemen's major port, has been reduced from 750 to 150, and helicopters and heavy artillery have been removed
Houthis threaten to attack SA: July, 23, 2019:   The Houthis yesterday announced that Saudi soldiers had been killed in an offensive operation launched by the movement’s militants in the Jazan region, southwest of Saudi Arabia. The Houthis’ Al-Masirah channel quoted an unnamed military source saying that the movement has launched an offensive operation east of Jahfan Mountain on the Jazan Front. A number of Saudi soldiers were killed and wounded during the attack.  The Houthi group has recently increased its drone and medium-range missile attacks on Saudi targets, especially at Jazan and Abha airports. The movement also announced the death of Saudi soldiers during clashes near the Yemeni border.