Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Kunun Poshpora Mass Rape Incident (JR 140)

Kunun Poshpora Mass Rape Incident (JR 140)
The Kunan Poshspora incident occurred on February 23, 1991, when unit(s) of the Indian army launched a search and interrogation operation in the twin villages of Kunan and Poshpora, located in Kashmir's remote Kupwara District. It is reported that at least 100 women were gang raped by soldiers that night. However, human rights organizations including Human Rights Watchhave said that the number of raped women could be as high as 150 Although the Indian government′s investigations into the incident rejected the allegations as "baseless  international human rights organizations have expressed serious doubts about the integrity of these investigations and the manner in which they were conducted, stating that the Indian government launched a "campaign to acquit the army of charges of human rights violations and discredit those who brought the charges  
The Kunan-Poshpora villages came into the news in February 1991 when some soldiers were reportedly killed in a militant ambush. The village before that had never had a problem with the military. That would change in the intervening night of February 23-24, 1991.

An unspecified number of soldiers of the 4th Rajputana Rifles cordoned off the entire village in the name of conducting a “search operation”. All the men were asked to come out of their homes, and were taken away to another location for interrogation. Once the men were taken away, soldiers went inside every house, raped and abused women through the night. The victims of this mass rape ranged in age from 13 to 80 years. Their numbers remained a matter of conjecture as only 53 married women filed FIRs or police complaints and got themselves medically examined. The unmarried girls, also said to number more than 40, did not. It was much too shameful for them and would seriously impact on their future.

The men, young and old, were tortured to make them disclose the whereabouts of the militants involved in the ambush against the army. Third degree torture included the infamous “roller treatment” on their body and limbs, which has left some of them permanently afflicted, and electric shocks on their scalp and genitals. No report was filed for the initial two days by the traumatized villagers out of fear, and stigma.

The Incident
ON FEBRUARY 23, 1991, Kunan and Poshpora, the twin villages in Kashmir became the site of mass rape of women and sexual torture of men by the Indian Armed Forces. Though the criminals have escaped justice and Indian governments have refused to even acknowledge the horror, 24 years later five women who grew up in the aftermath of that violence combine records, testimonies, fact and fiction to bring us a history that traverses time as does violence. Below are   excerpts from the Zubaan Books published Do You Remember Kunan Poshpora?     the names used for women survivors below are not their real names but have been given to protect their privacy.

Durri’s Story


It’s a freezing February in Kashmir. Tonight is the 23rd of February,
1991. It’s a bright moonlit night; the earth in this corner of the world is
covered by a blanket of snow. Deep enough to make you sink into it upto
your knees. The windows of the houses are covered by a thick layer of
frost, almost as if there were another sheet of glass on the first one. When
you rub your hand on the glass it freezes. The cold wind that strikes your
face for a second takes your breath away.
I live in the village of Kunan, in Kupwara District of Kashmir.
This is my village; I am Durri. I was born here. I am friends with the
mountains, the slopes, the trees, the birds, and the stream that always
seems to be in a rush. I am a young girl, perhaps just like you. I love to
see stars and to dream. Usually by this time I am in my bed cuddling my
sister Fatima while the kangri — a Kashmiri fire pot — lies in the middle.

This is our private time, though there is not much privacy in my two-room
house, with my younger brother Hussain dancing on our heads. He is the
youngest and most adorable. We don’t have much by way of entertainment
here except a radio, which is mostly used by my grandfather, “Bab”, I call
him, to listen to the news and Kashmiri folk songs. That doesn’t mean
we have a boring life, every night we sing wedding songs probably in
preparation for my wedding. Tonight we have company as well, my friend
Amina who is from the neighbouring village of Poshpora has come to
join us. Just as we begin singing my mother starts rebuking us, “Is this
what you will do when you are married; learn some cooking and stitching
now. Make us proud when you get married.” My father, contrary to this,
loves our singing and giggling. I call my father “touth”, which in Kashmiri
means one’s most favourite person. He is a constable in the Jammu and
Kashmir Police. Most of the time he is not at home.
My grandfather dislikes my father’s profession because he lost his
elder son, my uncle, to a bullet from an army gun. Awkward, isn’t it,
losing a son to the bullet of security forces while your other son is a serving
policeman. My uncle, Mohammad Iqbal, was one of those young people
who thought that politically resisting the occupation of Kashmir by India
had not borne any fruit, just fake promises from the time of Pandit
Nehru and still counting. He was martyred in an encounter with the army
in Srinagar. It might be strange for you to hear words like “occupation”,
“resistance”, “promises of Pandit Nehru” from a village girl like me, but
all this is what my uncle told me. He was the one who answered my
questions about blood and blasts on streets when others said I was too
young to know all this. He told me Kashmir’s story not just starting
from the Partition and the promises made by Pandit Nehru, but from
the beginning of Dogra rule. Then, one day we were told he was no more.
The last thing I remember about him was his coffin being carried by many
locals, followed by people from five of the nearest villages. After that day
I remember in each army cordon we were given special treatment, more
terrible than those houses that were far from the resistance. My mother
would stand with us in the lawn and let the army vandalize all they could.
They would ask her to show them hidden weapons. She would cry and tell
them we didn’t have any such thing. She would tell them about my father
being a police officer, they would not care. All they thought of us was that
we were a militant’s family, who had dared to resist the state. They would
form cordons in the evenings or late in the night, or even early in morning,
and this special treatment to my family would be repeated no matter what.
Somehow, I was used to it now. Yet tonight I have this strange feeling
of worry. Intuitions are really scary at times. I don’t know the reason I
should confess. Since I am being very honest to you, I should talk about
my fear. Every night I sleep with this fear. My village is close to the
Line of Control (LOC) and far from peace. Every night I recite Surah
Fatiha. I have been doing this every night since I saw blood on a street
in Kupwara on the way back from school and heard people chanting
slogans: “Hum Kya Chahatai? Azadi” (What do we want? Freedom)
way before my uncle was martyred. Yet till tonight I had no idea that
the ones who call themselves our defenders and protectors could pierce our
souls without using artillery. Not until now, when the lull of the night is
broken by a knock on our door.
Every fiction has some facts, and every fact appears fictional if
we study it hard enough. We can never know the complete truth about
anything, no matter how hard we try. The fiction above is inspired by
my meetings and conversations with the people of Kunan Poshpora, and
my study of the statements given by the victims to “fact” finders, police
and reporters. It was written as an answer to the questions that came up
in my mind, to my overactive thoughts, which arose while dealing with
documents and individual details till my head became dizzy. I tried to get
answers through my study of the facts of that night but I could never get
a complete answer. I was looking for answers to questions like, how would
a girl from this village feel after becoming a victim of mass rape? But I
realized that none of us can have an answer for this…

Women Victims/Survivors

According to the women, “rape” is not an adequate word to describe what was done to them. It was not rape it was war. Women were caught and held by a minimum of 5–6 army men as their husbands, fathers and sons were forcefully separated from them. Pushed to the walls, they shouted and screamed for help, for mercy. Their screams were not answered. Guns were pointed at their chests and mouths. They were told not to shout or else they would be shot. Army men were drunk, and were seen drinking during the operations. They smelled of liquor. They tore the women’s pherans (long traditional gowns worn over the clothes). They pulled down their trousers and raped them. While raping them they continued to consume liquor. They took turns, and sometimes took two rounds of a particular house. The women resisted but in vain.
Minor girls, those dumb and deaf, the physically handicapped, and the pregnant women were not spared either. Mothers were raped in front of their daughters. Grandmothers and their granddaughters were raped in the same room. The survivors said that they had bite marks on their chests, everywhere on their body, even on their hips. Many of them described bleeding from the mouth, from their private parts and from other injuries.
One of the survivors in her statement to the police given in March 1991, narrated to JKCCS/SGKP that she heard a knock on the door at 11 p.m. As the door was opened army men barged in and took her husband and brother-in-law with them. Some remained behind and searched the house. As they found nothing “objectionable” they caught hold of her and raped her. “They were having liquor while raping me. My children screamed but there was no one to help me”. She fainted and only regained consciousness in the morning. Her husband and her brother-in-law too returned in the morning. Her brother-in-law was bleeding and was in a critical condition. Some days later, the police came to record her statement along with the Deputy Commissioner. She handed over her clothes as evidence. They were provided medical treatment, she states. She also recollects that she saw police constables with the army that night but says that, “they could not help me. They had themselves been beaten by army men”.
All houses had similar stories, some concerning one or two and some concerning entire households of women. Many of them told us that the minor teenaged girls who were in the house were also raped, but that they collectively decided not to mention their names to the police. In many of the statements, the survivor mentions only her own name or that of married relatives. Often they mention that all the “vulnerable” women other than themselves were away from the house that night, perhaps to protect them. Chasfeeda recollected to a team of researchers from JKCCS/SGKP:

“I remember at 11:30 p.m., there was a knock. There were 20–21 army men. Some entered the house.”
After half an hour of her husband being taken away, some army men came back and raped her in the dark.

“They had kept the weapons on the ground while raping me. I refused to be examined by the military doctor and gave my statement to the police only, who came after seven days. I also produced leftover liquor bottles.”
She stated that her older son was also badly tortured, given electrical shocks in his testicles, and chilli powder inserted in his anus. His condition was critical and he remained bedridden for weeks after his torture.
Minor girls were also raped, but only three one of them a Polio patientdared to get themselves examined. This reluctance was very likely due to the social stigma attached to rape and the fear that it would become difficult to get them married. The attempt at hiding the rapes of the minors ultimately did not protect them. The stigma of rape got attached to the names of the village women–minor, married or old, whether they officially spoke about their rapes or hid them.
There are heart-rending stories of a deaf-and-dumb girl and pregnant women being raped. Tamana was in an advanced state of pregnancy, nine months pregnant, when she was raped. Due to the rape she delivered a baby with a fractured arm, a few days after the incident. Another toddler was snatched from her mother when she tried to hug the baby to her chest. The baby was thrown out of the ground floor window. In case of Tamana, her father narrated to me, how his grandchild became part of war even before coming into this world.

“My family consisted of my old father, an eldest son working in the police department and his wife aged 20 years, my second son, aged 15 years, my third son, aged 12 years, three daughters, my wife, Ufaq and my stepmother. We lived in a two and a half storey house. Both the storeys consisted of four rooms each. Tamana my eldest daughter was pregnant at that point and was at our place i.e. her parental home when she was raped.”
Tamana’s mother, Ufaq is a survivor herself. She (Ufaq) had a clearer idea of what happened, as she was at home with Tamana when she was raped. They had both been asleep for about an hour in a room on the ground floor. Ufaq’s father-in-law was sleeping in the next room while her husband was sleeping with their two sons on the first floor. She narrated:
“I heard an unusual sort of noise and thought it was a cat. After sometime I went out of my room and saw three army men through the windows of my father-in-law’s room. I was able to see their uniforms in the moonlight. They were wearing helmets and jackets as well. My aged father-in-law was paralyzed and bedridden. He was unable to do anything. I lit a lantern, opened the door and ran upstairs with my daughter to the second floor. I opened the door to the porch, and was planning to jump out as I realized there was no other option. I told my daughter that we should leave. My daughter, who was nine months pregnant, was terrified. She gripped my hair tight, and started screaming, “don’t leave me alone at their (the army’s) mercy”. When the army men entered, I saw they had zips of their pants already opened and they had clearly come with the intention of raping us.”
They asked for keys to the other rooms. Her husband had already had been taken away by the army. Her daughter Tamana had been separated from her. Tamana was taken to another room and raped there. According to Ufaq:

“Three army men caught hold of me and 8–10 army men raped me in turns. They had huge battery torches with them and they used them to see my naked body, while making lewd remarks. They raped me for several hours. After sometime I fell unconscious because of the pain.”
Tamana gave birth to a child, who had a fractured arm, after three days of the incident. The Medico-Legal Certificate of Tamana’s son, dated 21.03.2014, confirms his birth and the injury to his arm, “due to manhandling by soldiers”.
 One of the survivors was 13 to 14 years of age (as per the SHRC judgment), and about 16 years old according to her own statements to JKCCS/SGKP, but she was not included among the ‘minors’ in the police record as her hymen was ruptured; she had been married 11 days prior to this fateful night. On the night of 23rd and 24th February she was in her in-law’s house when the security personnel of 4 and 24 Rajputana Rifles forced their entry into the house. The men were ordered to move out of the house and 4–5 army men entered her room and raped her. In the morning, she was rescued by the villagers when army had left the village and was taken to a doctor for treatment and examination. In her police statement the same survivor states that she raised an alarm but no one came to her rescue. She had resisted hard but was unable to overpower the army men.

Ocean of Tears, a documentary on Kunan Poshpora Mass Rape in Kashmir
The soldiers ignored the small children who were crying and screaming as their mothers, sisters and grandmothers were raped. Meanwhile, the Commanding Officer of the army was at the interrogation centre, barely a few yards away. He was clearly aware that there was something “unusual” going on, as several witnesses report that he shone a powerful torch on the window and shouted at the soldiers to keep the noise down, during the rapes. It does seem like as the women have saidthe soldiers had orders to rape them. A toddler was thrown out of the window by soldiers from the ground floor of the house, and later rescued by the police constable Abdul Ghani in the early hours of 24th February, when he was taking rounds of the houses of the village. The child had been lying on the snow for several hours. The constable picked him from the garden area and kept the child on the verandah of the house. He went into the house and, as he had done in other homes, covered the naked, barely conscious survivor of sexual violence he found there with a blanket. He told her that her child was on the verandah and was slightly injured, but was otherwise fine. But the mother was unable to move and could not get her child back into the house, till her husband returned…

The Knock on Durri’s Door

My sister and I hugged the kangri even closer. We were scared of that
knocking. It seemed someone wanted to break down the door of our house.
My grandfather quickly got up and opened the door. I heard few words
“Kitnai admi ho ghar mai” (how many men are you in the house). “Koi
nahi sahib bas mai hun” (no one, just me). I tried to stand up. I was
stopped by someone. It was Amina, she held my hand tight. As I turned
towards her, I could see the disapproval on her face. Now I tried to hear
more clearly. I noticed Amina and Fatimah were doing the same. In middle
of all this I could hear a female voice. My mother was pleading with
someone. Suddenly ‘toth’ screamed “Haa Khudayo” (Oh God!). Within
no time an army soldier appeared infront of us. I could smell something
awful from him and then I saw that he had a bottle of alcohol in his hand.
My throat was dry. I could not even scream. I could not even stand, it
was as if the earth had gripped me. My sister Fatimah and Amina held
me tight from both sides. I could feel their fingers digging into my arms.
From one the soldiers became six as others joined the first one. I wanted to
scream. I could not hear my grandfather speak. I didn’t know where they
took my mother. One of them gripped my hair. I held his feet. I remember
begging him, “khuda kai liyai humai chhod do, hum nai kuch nahi kiya’
(for god’s sake please leave us, we are innocent). I even bowed my forehead
onto his shoes. He dragged me to kitchen. My mother was already there.
I screamed with all my energy, “Mouji meh bachaay tii” (mother, save
me). How could she, I don’t want to share all that I saw and remember
happening to her. My pheran was torn and with that my whole life.
When I regained consciousness, my head was blank and I felt numb.
My face was wet. I realized I was weeping. I was naked, not just my body
but my soul. My mother was in that room with me. She was unconscious or
pretending to be. She had turned her face away from me. I heard someone
crying. It was my brother, he covered me with something. I don’t remember
clearly what it was. I haven’t asked him till now. We never spoke about
that night again. But I remember I could not feel my lower body.
That one night has become my life. No matter what I do, where I go or
what I think. That night never leaves me. It’s with me all the time, when
I pray, when I cook, when I clean myself. I curse them (the army) all the
time and will curse them all my life. People console me. They say you must
forget and move on. But that’s easier said than done. It’s difficult; it’s like
losing your eyes and believing you never had them.
I did not give a statement to police. My family feared no one would
marry me. I never married. It’s not that I don’t want to but my health does
not allow me. I am not fit to marry. I don’t want to ruin someone’s life.
Besides when I saw how girls from my village were being treated by their
in-laws, I chose not to marry. We never spoke to anyone about my friend
Amina being raped. When we met after that night, we cried and cried. We
are still friends but we have an unspoken rule 
never speak about that
night. I am a rape survivor from Kunan and Poshpora 
I am breathing
but not alive.
Following the district magistrate's report, increased publicity about the incident led to strong denials from Indian military officials. On March 17, Mufti Baha-ud-Din Farooqi, Chief Justice of the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir, led a fact-finding mission to Kunan Poshpora. Over the course of his investigation, he interviewed 53 women who claimed to have been raped by the soldiers, and tried to determine why a police investigation into the incident had never taken place. According to his report, villagers claimed that a police investigation into the event had never commenced because the officer assigned to the case, Assistant Superintendent Dilbaugh Singh, was on leave Farooqi later stated that in his 43 years on the bench he "had never seen a case in which normal investigative procedures were ignored as they were in this one. Just a few months later, in July, 1991, Dilbaugh Singh was transferred to another station without ever having started the investigation. On March 18, divisional commissioner Wajahat Habibullah visited the village, and filed a confidential report, parts of which were later released to the public. He concluded:
"While the veracity of the complaint is highly doubtful, it still needs to be determined why such complaint was made at all. The people of the village are simple folk and by the Army’s own admission have been generally helpful and even careful of security of the Army’s officers… Unlike Brig. Sharma I found many of the village women genuinely angry … It is recommended that the level of investigation be upgraded to that of a gazetted police officer.
District Magistrate, S.M Yasin, visited the village two days after the incident to investigate.According to his report, “the armed forces behaved like violent beasts.” He identified the soldiers as members of 4th Rajputana Rifles and said they rampaged through the village from 11:00 pm on February 23 until 9:00 am the next morning.

In response to criticism of the government's handling of the investigation, the army requested the Press Council of India to investigate the incident. The investigative team visited Kunan Poshpora in June, more than three months after the alleged attacks. Upon interviewing a number of the alleged victims, the team claimed that contradictions in their testimony rendered their allegations of rape "baseless. The team interviewed hospital officials who stated that one of the women who had been pregnant at the time of the incident had given birth to a child with a fractured arm just four days afterwards. She claimed that she had been kicked during the rapes; a pediatrician who visited the village as part of the Jammu and Kashmir People's Basic Rights Committee, confirmed her story. The Press Council team claimed that the fetus had been injured during delivery.  Medical examinations conducted on 32 of the women between March 15 and 21, nearly one month after the incident, confirmed that the women had wounds on their chests and abdomens, and that the hymens of three of the unmarried women had been torn. The team claimed that "such a delayed medical examination proves nothing" and that the medical findings were typical among villagers. Ultimately, the team concluded that the charges against the army were, "well-concocted bundle of fabricated lies" and "a massive hoax orchestrated by militant groups and their sympathizers and mentors in Kashmir and abroad...for reinscribing Kashmir on the international agenda as a human rights issue. In stark contrast of the purported allegations of abuses, these investigations concluded the allegations themselves are "grossly exaggerated or invented".
"The Kunan rape story on close investigation turns out to be a massive hoax orchestrated by militant groups and their sympathizers and mentors in Kashmir and abroad as a part of sustained and cleverly contrived strategy of psychological warfare and as an entry point for reinscribing Kashmir on the International Agenda as a Human rights issue. The loose-ends and the contradictions in the story expose a tissue of lies by many persons at many levels".—Investigation Committee The Press Council's dismissal of all the Kunan Poshpora allegation, and the manner in which it carried out its investigation was widely criticized. Human Rights Watch wrote:
While the results of the examinations by themselves could not prove the charges of rape, they raised serious questions about the army's actions in Kunan Poshpora. Under the circumstances, the committee's eagerness to dismiss any evidence that might contradict the government's version of events is deeply disturbing. In the end, the committee has revealed itself to be far more concerned about countering domestic and international criticism than about uncovering the truth.
Asia Watch, in its 1991 report, stated:
"The alacrity with which military and government authorities in Kashmir discredited the allegations of rape and their failure to follow through with procedures that would provide critical evidence for any prosecution – in particular prompt medical examinations of the alleged rape victims — raise serious concerns about the integrity of the investigation...Given evidence of a possible cover-up, both the official and the Press Council investigation fall far short of the measures necessary to establish the facts in the incident and determine culpability
The United States Department of State, in its 1992 report on international human rights, rejected the Indian government's conclusion, and determined that there was "credible evidence to support charges that an elite army unit(s) engaged in mass rape in the Kashmiri village of Kunan Poshpora

Further Investigations 
Following the release of the Press Council's report, Indian authorities dismissed all of the allegations of mass rape as groundless. No further investigations were conducted. In October 2011 The State Human Rights Commission asked the government to reinvestigate the mass rape case and compensate the victims. They also called for proceedings to be taken against the then Director Of Prosecutions who had sought closure of the mass rape case and not investigation. Meanwhile, social stigma generated out of this incident has resulted in women of this area facing difficulties in getting married even today
Social impact
The incident has had a devastating impact on the villages. A feature report published in The Indian Express on July 21, 2013 showed the victims and their families are being socially ostracised. Only two students have gone to university since the alleged massive rape; most choose to drop out after eight class than bear the "taunts and barbs directed at them when they go to the other villages" of Trehgam and Kupwara to continue their studies. The only government school in the two affected villages teaches up to standard eight. Families unscathed by the incident even in the affected villages have banned all social contact with the victims' families. Parents say it is difficult to marry off their children. At least one family has confessed to marrying off their 16-year-old daughter to a 50-year-old divorcee and father of three because "none of the young men in the village came forward" and "a search for prospective grooms outside the village was never an option after the incident. The villagers from the two villages formed Kunanposhpora Coordination Committee (KCC) in 2007 to seek justice for the victims. The KCC head, a 70-year-old man Ghulam Ahmad Dar, told The Indian Express in July 2013, "If a reporter of a human rights group comes to our village, they are followed by policemen and Intelligence Bureau officials." The newspaper reported the villagers live in a constant state of wariness because of policemen and intelligence officials' visits who often come in plain clothes and most of them see things outside the frame
The psychological trauma is even more than the physical one. Almost every woman we spoke to carries emotional scars and psychological stress which requires expert and sympathetic medical attention as soon as possible. While some of the women are now in their Sixties, many of them are still not 40, and have many years ahead of them. They need to be healed in body and mind.

The women face an additional and aggravated social crisis. While we have no information of post-1991 incidence of divorce of such women by their husbands, their narratives hint at considerable tension within the families, and in their society. There is evidence of they being ostracised. For the young women, the situation is far more grim. The unmarried rape victims were quietly married off to relatives or in distant villages as no one was willing to wed them in the area.

The two villages continue to suffer this ostracisation and the stigma. Young men repeatedly told us how they had to change schools and colleges because they were taunted by teachers, classmates and others as coming from “that village where your mothers and sisters were raped by the soldiers.” Even today, such taunts face people of Kunan and Poshpora when they go to Kupwara or beyond and are asked where they come from. Many young men and women have given up their studies entirely, while a few brave ones now study in institutions far away.
There is hardly any employment for the youth, other than as labour or working in their family farms, which are small holdings of paddy fields in the shadow of the surrounding mountains.

The village seems to have been ignored by officialdom. There is little to show by way of development. A room with a board of a health centre remains closed, with no medical personnel coming to work in the village.

Other than the cash once distributed almost clandestinely by a State Minister, people say there has been no government compensation paid either to the women victims of gang rape, or the men who were tortured.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Pulwama: India’s False Flag Operation in Kashmir, Danger of Nuclear War? By Sajjad Shaukat (JR 139SS 28)

Pulwama: India’s False Flag Operation in Kashmir, Danger of Nuclear War? By Sajjad Shaukat (JR 139SS 28)

At least 44 Indian soldiers were killed in the Pulwama district of the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK) on February 14, this year when a suicide bomber rammed a car into a convoy of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF).

Next day, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi blamed Pakistan for the Pulwama terror attack and warned of a strong response, ratcheting up tension between the nuclear-armed neighbors. New Delhi also removed the most favored nation (MFN) trade privileges that had been accorded to Pakistan-though annual bilateral trade between the two countries.

Islamist militant group Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) claimed responsibility soon after the assault.

Without any investigation and evidence Indian high officials and media started accusing Islamabad, saying that the attackers had come from Pakistan to stage the assault.

The Indian foreign ministry said in a statement, “We demand that Pakistan stop supporting terrorists and terror groups operating from their territory and dismantle the infrastructure operated by terrorist outfits to launch attacks in other countries.”

Speaking in the Indian tone and remaining silence on the CIA-Mossad-RAW anti-Pakistan secret terror-network in Afghanistan, the White House also shared Indian blame game, urging Pakistan “to end immediately the support and safe haven provided to all terrorist groups operating on its soil”.

On the other side, Pakistan’s Foreign Office spokesperson said: “We have always condemned acts of violence anywhere in the world…We strongly reject any insinuation by elements in the Indian media and government that seek to link the attack to Pakistan without investigations.” Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Quereshi also rejected Indian false allegations.

Speaking to the Indian media, former Chief Minister of the Indian Held Kashmir Farooq Abdullah stated: “I was saddened to hear about the deaths of the soldiers…This is not something happening for the first time. These incidents happen everyday there…India should talk with Kashmiris, because using the force of guns and army is not the solution…Don’t blame Pakistan because local people are joining Kashmiri fight” [War of liberation].

Meanwhile, on February 21, 2018, India was humiliated once again at the diplomatic level when Pakistan’s name was not mentioned in the declaration by the UN Security Council condemning Pulwama attack. New Delhi tried everything possible to involve Pakistan’s name in the statement and tried to use American influence as well. Multiple countries were briefed in New Delhi regarding the attack.

However, various contradictory developments and reports proved that Pulwama terror attack was a false flag operation, conducted by New Delhi to malign Islamabad in order to obtain various designs.
In this regard, quoting the report of the daily Kashmir Times of September 10, 2017, Pakistan’s media and even some leading newspapers of India revealed that the Indian drama was exposed after the disclosure that the alleged suicide attacker of the Pulwama attack Adil Ahmed Dar was already in the custody of the Indian army.The Indian army had arrested Adil Ahmed Dar during an operation in Shopian on September 10, 2017… It is a big question that how he carried out the suicide attack when he was already in the custody of Indian army.”

Blindly alleging Pakistan, some Indian newspapers, especially India Today wrote: “Intelligence agencies in Jammu and Kashmir believe Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed commander-Ghazi Abdul Rasheed-is the mastermind behind the gruesome Pulwama terror attack that rocked the nation on February 14. He is one of the closest aides of Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) chief Maulana Masood Azha.”

It is notable that religious cleric Abdul Rasheed Ghazi was killed in 2007 during the Lal Masjid operation in Islamabad, launched by the then President Gen. Pervez Musharraf.

It is of particular attention that Indian Prime Minister Modi’s extremist party-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had got a land sliding triumph in the Indian elections 2014 on the basis of anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan slogans. Therefore, since the Prime Minister Modi came to power, he has been implementing anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan agenda with the support of fanatic coalition outfits.

Now, double game has become the BJP strategy to win the Indian general elections 2019. In this respect, BJP leadership seems to have geared up its activity for forthcoming poll-2019. Hence, suicide assault of Pulwama which is false flag operation is also election stunt of the BJP.

In the aftermath of the Pulwama terror attack, across India, many Kashmiri people, including students have been arrested and attacked and their shops looted by the Hindu extremists. Young people have been charged with sedition for criticizing the Indian Army, and Indians are lashing out at Pakistani civilians, including Bollywood actors. A wave of jingoism has been created by the BJP-led fanatic parties against the Muslims and Pakistan.

It is mentionable that on September18, 2016, New Delhi had staged the drama of the terror attack in the IOK at a military base in Uri, close to the Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan. After the episode, without any investigation, India’s top civil and military officials, including their media started propaganda against Pakistan, it Army and primary intelligence agency ISI by accusing that the militants who targeted the Uri base came from Pakistan’s side of Azad Kashmir. By manipulating that false flag terror attack, the BJP-led Indian Prime Minister Modi had also accelerated war-hysteria against Islamabad and instructed Indian forces to continue shelling across the LoC and Working Boundary, which have killed many innocent civilians inside Pakistani side of Kashmir and other nearby villages. Now, in order to win the elections of 2019, Indian forces are continuously violating the LoC through intermittent shelling and have compelled Pakistan Army to give a matching response.

In fact, failed in suppressing the indigenous Kashmir movement, Indian central government imposed President’s rule in Jammu and Kashmir which began from December 20, 2018. The main purpose is to accelerate atrocities on the Kashmiris who are demanding their genuine right of self-determination in accordance with the UNO resolutions.

Besides, India’s another aim is to deflect the attention of the international community from the new phase of Kashmiri Intifada, while in this connection; pressure has been mounting on the Modi government both domestically and internationally to settle the dispute of Kashmir with Islamabad. While, New Delhi is still showing its intransigence to resolve Kashmir issue by also neglecting the fact that Kashmir remains a nuclear flashpoint between both the neighbouring countries.

Nevertheless, taking cognizance of Indian blame game and war-like posture, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan said on February 19, this year, that Pakistan will take action, if New Delhi shares any actionable evidence, concerning the suicide bombing in the occupied Kashmir’s Pulwama area which targeted Indian paramilitary soldiers. Offering cooperation and another chance at a dialogue over the Kashmir issue, the premier also warned India against any act of aggression, saying Pakistan will not hesitate in retaliating to a provocation.

But, Indian extremist government of the BJP rejected any cooperation in this respect, and has continued threatening diplomacy against Islamabad.

Following Indian war-like strategy, Prime Minister Imran Khan on February 21, 2019 chaired a key meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) attended by Pakistan’s Army chief Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa, services chiefs, heads of intelligence agencies, security officials and the concerned federal ministers—during which the country’s security situation was discussed, amidst heightened tensions between India and Pakistan following the Pulwama terror attack. NSC said that the country was not involved in any way in the Pulwama terror attack and it was conceived, planned and executed indigenously, as Prime Minister Imran Khan authorised the military to respond decisively to any aggression by India.

Addressing a press conference on Friday (February 22, 2019) in relation to the situation arising after the Pulwama attack, Director General of Pakistan Army’s media wing, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), Maj-Gen. Asif Ghafoor warned India to not mess with Pakistan. He elaborated:On February 14, a Kashmiri youngster targeted Indian security forces. After the incident, India starting bombarding Pakistan with allegations without any proof…Whenever the situation improves in Pakistan, India tries to destabilise the country…In February, when the Pulwama attack happened there were important events in Pakistan—Saudi crown prince’s visit, Afghan reconciliation process, UNSC talking about terror financing, EU deliberating on human rights violations in occupied Kashmir, Kulbhushan Jadhav [Indian spy arrested in Pakistan] hearing…The elections are upcoming in India and the indigenous struggle in occupied Kashmir is high…We do not wish to go to war but please be rest assured should you initiate any aggression, first you will never be able to surprise us. But let me assure you, we will surprise you. We shall also dominate the escalation ladder.

Nonetheless, without bothering for nuclear war, in the aftermath of the terror attack in Pulwama, India is deliberately increasing war hysteria against Pakistan.
It is noteworthy that BJP leader Dr. Subramaniam Swami had stated on July 12, 2014 that India needed only two years to defeat Pakistan militarily, and the only solution of Kashmir was war, as “there is no peaceful, democratic solution.” Responding to the withdrawal of the US-led NATO forces from Afghanistan, he remarked, “Americans will hand over Afghanistan to Taliban and go…India should send at least 200,000 troops to Afghanistan.”

It is wishful thinking of the BJP leader that India can defeat Pakistan. While, both the adversaries are nuclear powers, New Delhi has been ignoring the principles of deterrence, popularly known as balance of terror.

After the World War 11, nuclear weapons were never used, and were only employed as a strategic threat. During the heightened days of the Cold War, many crises arose in Suez Canal, Korea, Cuba and Vietnam when the US and the former Soviet Union were willing to use atomic weapons, but they stopped because of the fear of nuclear war which could eliminate both the super powers. Therefore, the two rivals preferred to resolve their differences through diplomacy.

Political strategists agree that deterrence is a psychological concept which aims to affect an opponent’s perceptions. In nuclear deterrence, weapons are less usable, as their threat is enough in deterring an enemy who intends to use its armed might. In this context, a renowned scholar, Hotzendorf remarks that nuclear force best serves the interests of a state when it deters an attack.

In the present circumstances, BJP-led government of Modi is badly mistaken, if it overestimates India’s power and underestimates Pakistan’s power. As Pakistan lacks conventional forces and weapons vis-à-vis India, so, in case of a prolonged conflict, Pakistan will have to use nuclear weapons and missiles which could destroy whole of India, resulting into Indian political suicide.

In the past too, Indian rulers had intended to implement their doctrine of limited war in Kashmir or to fight a conventional war with Pakistan, but they could not do so owing to Pakistan’s nuclear weapons.

Unlike the former Soviet Union and the USA, war-like situation exists between New Delhi and Islamabad due to the perennial firing by the Indian forces across the Line of Control and the Working Boundary in wake of the unresolved issue of Kashmir.

It is worth-mentioning that at present, fanatic leaders are in power in the US, India and Israel and they are in collaboration against the Muslims, Islamic World, Russia and China. And it is also part of Zionist agenda to ‘denuclearize Pakistan’, as she is the only nuclear country in the Muslim World. 

Notably, Israel does not want the two-state settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian issue and will prefer atomic war between the US and Russia. Similarly, in order to avoid the solution of Kashmir dispute, extremist Prime Minister Modi can take the risk of nuclear war with Pakistan.

In these terms, we may conclude that Pulwama terror attack was a false flag operation, conducted by the Indian security forces to crush the war of liberation in the Indian Occupied Kashmir and to implicate Islamabad in this regard. So, in wake of India’s war-like threats, danger of nuclear war remains between India and Pakistan, as even a conventional conflict can result into an atomic war.

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations

Email: sajjad_logic @yahoo.com

Friday, February 22, 2019

India’s Economic Warfare against Pakistan By Sajjad Shaukat (JR 138 SS 27)

India’s Economic Warfare against Pakistan By Sajjad Shaukat (JR138SS27)

As part of the continued propaganda campaign, Indian media leaves no stone unturned in targeting Pakistan. India’s economic warfare against Pakistan, which needs an appropriate analysis, is also part to this malicious campaign.

In this regard, under the caption, “Economy in Shambles but Pakistan wants to increase the defence budget”, Indian Zee News reported in an ambiguous style on February 19, this year, “Pakistan has been facing different kinds of threats starting from conventional war to unconventional and now in the midst of a hybrid war which is the ‘synchronised use of multiple instruments of power tailored to specific vulnerabilities across the full spectrum of societal functions to achieve synergistic effects. The principal objective behind this hybrid war is to weaken Pakistan through a synchronised attack that includes economic warfare, supporting domestic unrest, diplomatic onslaught, along with regular and irregular military operations. Pakistan armed forces have always been the prime target of anti-state actors. They have been targeting via different methods including defence budget. The largest expenditure item in the budget is debt-servicing. The second largest expenditure are eaten up by losses of Public Sector Enterprises (like PIA, the Pakistan Steel Mills, power sector and Pakistan Railways). The third largest chunk will go for the Public Sector Development Programme (federal plus provincial). And the fourth largest allocation will go towards ‘Defence Affairs and Services’. There is a myth that the defence budget takes away the lion’s share of the total budgetary outlay [Not true]. In Budget 2018-19, ‘Defence Affairs and Services’ will consume around 18 percent of all the government expenditures. What this means is that a full 82 percent of all government expenditures are not defence related. Most of the people also says that the defence budget has been increasing at a high rate [Again not true].”

Focusing on Pakistan’s defence budget, it added, “In the financial year 2001/2002, 17 years ago, the allocation for defence amounted to 4.6 percent of GDP, in 2003-04 amount to 3.9 percent of GDP and in  2018-19 just 3.2 percent of our GDP ( it has allocated Rs1.1 trillion for ‘Defence Affairs and Services’ out of our Rs34 trillion total budget).  Pakistan spends a very low percentage of its GDP on defence. There are at least 50 countries (including India, Sri Lanka, Jordan, Liberia) that spend a higher percentage of their GDPs on defence. Pakistan’s armed forces are the 6th largest in the world, but our expenses per soldier are the lowest. The US spends $460,000 per soldier, Saudi Arabia $340,000, India $33,000, Egypt $18,000 and Pakistan $12,000. So such allegations are done with some purpose. Few days back Pakistan information minister Fawad Chaudhry said that “The country’s defence budget is already low as compared to other states in the region, and therefore it should be increased.”

However, while exaggerating Pakistan’s internal challenges, Zee News ignored Indian internal threats and ambitious defence policy which continues unabated.

As regards India’s defence expenditures, on February 28, 2015, New Delhi announced its ruthless defense budget amounting to 2.47 trillion Indian rupees ($40.07 billion), a 7.9 percent increase for the fiscal year starting from April 1, 2015, suggesting that it will move with the military’s long wish list for fighter jets, ships and artillery, as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government presented its first budget. For that fiscal year, the allocation was 2.29 trillion rupees, a jump of 12 percent over the previous year.

While exposing India’s unlimited defense policy, Washington-based Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) had disclosed in its report of April 2011 that India had planned “to spend an estimated $80 billion on military modernization programs by 2015 so as to further increase its military build-up against China and disrupt security-balance in South Asia…India is expected to maintain this position in the coming years.”

The CSIS report elaborated, “Consequently, India’s defense budget has roughly quadrupled (in real terms) since 2001…reaching $36.3 billion in the 2011–2012 budget…and enabled the implementation of long-term acquisition plans.”

It is notable that in February 2010, Indian military procurement units descended on the DefExpo 2010 trade fair in New Delhi. Inaugurating the Indian Defense Exhibition, Defense Minister A.K. Antony had said that India’s defense expenditure which is 2.5 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) is going to increase. He pointed out, “Our government is committed to rapid modernization of armed forces.”

In this connection, in its report, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) revealed on March 20, 2012, “India is the world’s largest recipient of arms…India’s imports of major weapons increased by 38 percent between 2002-06 and 2007-11.”

In another report, SIPRI had disclosed on February 22, 2015 that India is the world’s largest recipient of arms—“India (14 percent of global arms imports), China (4.7 per cent), Australia (3.6 per cent) and Pakistan (3.3 per cent).” In its report of 2016 also SIPRI pointed out India’s arms-import.

According to the ‘Military Balance 2018’ report by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), “India’s defence budget broke into the world’s top five…beating the UK for the first time…India overtook the UK as the fifth-largest defence spender in the world in 2017 at $52.5 billion, up from $51.1 billion in 2016.” 

New Delhi’s military is acquiring a slew of new equipments from combat aircraft to submarines and artillery. It is currently finalising a deal with France’s Dassault Aviation to buy 126 Rafale fighter jets in a contract worth an estimated $12 billion.

Although peace and brinksmanship cannot co-exist in the modern era, yet India seeks to destabilize Asia through its aggressive designs, activated with new arms race.

During his first visit to New Delhi, on November 6, 2010 the US President Barack Obama had announced the measures, America would take regarding removal of Indian space and defence companies from a restricted “entities list”, and supported Indian demand for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.

By setting aside the Indian poor record regarding the safety of nuclear weapons and materials and despite Indian violations of various international agreements and its refusal to sign Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and Additional Protocol with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Washington signed a pact of nuclear civil technology with New Delhi in 2008. During President Obama’s visit to India, on January 25, 2016, the US and India announced a breakthrough on the pact which would allow American companies to supply New Delhi with civilian nuclear technology.

Earlier, on November 2, 2010, the US also agreed to sell India the most expensive—the new F-35 fighter jets including US F-16 and F-18 fighters, C-17 and C-130 aircraft, radar systems, Harpoon weapons etc. Besides acquisition of arms and weapons from other western countries—especially Israel, America is a potential military supplier to India. US also pressurized IAEA and the Nuclear Suppliers Group to grant a waiver to New Delhi for obtaining civil nuclear trade on larger scale. In fact, US wants New Delhi to continue anti-China and anti-Pakistan role.

Similarly, by pursuing the double standards of America in its worst form, American President Donald Trump also intends to favour India, while opposing the nuclear weapons of Pakistan.

It is worth-mentioning that in the recent past, Indian civil society organizations, while complaining of excessive defense spending, indicated that the government spends very little amount for the betterment of people.

Indian defense analyst Ravinder Pal Singh, while indicating New Delhi’s unending defense expenditures at the cost of poverty-alleviation, calls it guns-versus-butter question.

Even some of Indian officials are surprised in relation to Indian defense expenditure which has no bounds. For example, an official of the country’s finance ministry remarked, “There is a dilemma…poverty needs to be eradicated to prevent men from taking to the guns…but more funds for security means less money for poverty alleviation.”

Secretary General of the Control Arms Foundation of India Binalakshmi Nepram stated, “When people are dying of poverty and bad sanitation, what protection will arms provide them?”

A report of United Nations pointed out that India ranks 134th of 182 countries on the United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Index. It estimated that 50 per cent of the world’s undernourished population lives in India. Nearly 31 per cent of the billion-plus Indians earn less than a dollar a day.

It is mentionable that under the mask of democracy and secularism, Indian subsequent regimes dominated by politicians from the Hindi heartland—Hindutva (Hindu nationalism), have been using brutal force ruthlessly against any move to free Assam, Kashmir, Khalistan, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu and Tripura where wars of liberation continue in one or the other form.

In the recent years, Maoist intensified their struggle, attacking official installments. In this context, Indian media admitted that Maoists have entered the cities, expanding their activities against the Indian union. While, even under the rule of Congress which claims to be secular party, Indian extremist parties like BJP, RSS, VHP, Shev Sina and Bajrang Dal have missed no opportunity to communalize national politics of India.

Notably, after serving the BJP for 30 years, Indian Minister of External affairs Jaswant Singh was expelled from the party for praising Mohammad Ali Jinnah (Founder of Pakistan) and echoing the pain of the Indian Muslims in his book, “Jinnah: India, Partition, Independence.” While pointing out the BJP’s attitude towards the minorities, Singh wrote: “Every Muslim that lives in India is a loyal Indian…look into the eyes of Indian Muslims and see the pain.” He warned in his book, if such a policy continued, “India could have third partition.”

Reportedly, in 2015, Minister of Home Affairs Rajnath Singh had highlighted his focus to build the capacity of security forces engaged in fighting uprising and separatism. Indian Central Government finalized the raising of Indian Reserve Police Battalions (IRBPs) in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) and Naxal/Maoist hit states or Left Wing Extremism (LWE) areas, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Out of the total 25 IRBPs proposed, five were for IOK and 12 for LWE affected states whereas rest of 8, IRBPs for other states.

The mentioned increase was a part of overall drive against Naxal/Maoist affected states and the Indian Controlled Kashmir, including other regions where similar movements continue unabated against the political, social and economic system of India, which is based upon injustices.

And despite concerted efforts—capacity, capability, weapons, equipments and training, the Indian security forces could not effectively counter and reduce the insurgent activities in these states.

Nevertheless, by following an ambitious defence policy blindly, New Delhi has not only neglected the modern global trends like renunciation of war, disarmament, peaceful settlement of disputes and economic development, but has also set aside internal threats such as acute poverty and separatist movements/insurgency.

In these terms, like the former Soviet Union, particularly, separatist movements which pose a serious challenge to the Indian federation will culminate into disintegration of the Indian union. Hence, instead of waging economic warfare against Pakistan, Zee News must better pay attention to Indian internal threats, including its growing defence budget.

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations

Email: sajjad_logic@yahoo.com

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Memory of the Samjhota Express Tragedy by Sajjad Shaukat (JR 137 SS 26)

Memory of the Samjhota Express Tragedy by Sajjad Shaukat
On the midnight of 18-19 February 2007, India-Pakistan Samjhota Express train was bombed in which 68 Pakistani nationals were killed. A Hindu extremist leader Swami Aseemanand, a leader of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has confessed that he was involved in several bombings incidents. He also claimed to have been a part of the incident.

In fact, ideology of Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) prevails in every field at the cost of other minority groups. It is even supported by Indian defense forces secretly. This could be judged from the incident, when on April 6, 2008 in the house of Bajrang Dal fundamentalists in Nanded, a bomb went off. The investigation proved that these militants were found in the bomb-making and attack on a mosque in Parbhani in 2003. Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) of the Maharashtra arrested a serving Lt. Col. Srikant Purohit along with other army officials, indicating that they were helping in training the Hindu terrorists, providing them with the military-grade explosive RDX, used in the Malegaon bombings and terrorist attacks in other Indian cities. ATS further disclosed that Lt. Col. Purohit confessed that in 2007, he was involved in bombing of Samjhota express, which burnt alive 68 Pakistanis.

India’s National Investigation Agency (NIA) was convinced that Sadhu Swami Aseemanand, a Hindu right-wing leader was directly involved in the Samjhota Express blast. Sources in NIA further pointed out that besides Lt. Col. Purohit, other Indian army officials were also behind that train-bombing. In this regard, a court in Panchkula, Haryana has recorded Aseemanand’s statement which confirmed the NIA inquiry. 

Aseemanand’s statement in the Samjhota Express blast case was recorded under Section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code before a magistrate. His earlier admission was recorded in the Mecca Masjid case, which was being probed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Sadhu Aseemanand stuck to his confession that Hindutva radicals were behind the bomb attack on the Samjhota Express. Aseemanand, Aka Naba and Kumar Sarkar, named absconding Hindutva militants—Ramji Kaisangra and Sandeep Dange as the key plotters in that terror attack.

Sources of the NIA also disclosed that the confession in connection with the Samjhota Express blast practically rules out the involvement of other groups.

In the Samjhota Express case, the probe team has found that the bomb used in the train was kept in a suitcase that was bought from a shop of Indore’s Kothari Market. The suitcase had cloth covers stitched by an Indian local tailor. The NIA was now trying to get details of those who bought the suitcase and covers.

It is notable that Dr. J C Batra, who is a senior advocate at the Supreme Court of India, was asked to give opinion on Aseemanand’s confession. He appeared very defensive and as usual started accusing Pakistan’s its primary intelligence agency ISI—its so-called history for such activities, alleging that even this could be an ISI plot. He further said that Swami’s statement does not have much legal value as circumstantial evidence is also needed, while adding that RSS is being wrongly implicated and there could be others involved who are not being exposed. In this respect, a Pakistani parliamentarian, Mr. Mian Abdul Sattar, parliamentary secretary for planning and development, who was accompanying him, later stated that that he was told by Mr JC Batra that the Indian Army was involved in this case and there “are efforts to shield it from getting exposed”.

Swami Aseemanand also confessed in the court that several RSS preachers and Sang activists were directly involved in planning, financing and executing Malegaon, Samjhauta Express, Ajmer and Mecca Masjid blasts. He stated that various leaders of Hindu communal organizations including Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Abhinav Bharat, Jai Vande Matram and Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram were also behind these blasts.

It is mentionable that in various tapes, LT. Col Purohit said, “We are all on the same plane, Hindu Rashtra (Nation)”. He even claimed that Gen. J J Singh is “with us”. (Former Singh was Army Chief till Sept. 2007). Significantly, Purohit mentioned that “one of our own captain had visited Israel”, and demanded “continuous supply of arms, training, an office with a saffron flag in Tel Aviv, political asylum and support for our cause of a Hindu Nation in the UN.” The Israelis, he added, gave “a very positive response.” 

In this connection, exposing the nexus between Bhartia Janta Party (BJP) and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the then Indian Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde disclosed on January 20, 2013 that organized training camps run by the fundamentalist parties, RSS and BJP were promoting Hindu Terrorism. He also explained that these extremist parties were behind the Samjhauta Express, Meccca Masjid and Malegaon blasts. He added, “We will have to think about it (Saffron terrorism) seriously…Hindu extremist parties BJP and RSS were involved many times in Hindu Muslim violence in India, especially Gujarat and Babri masjid incident.”

The then India’s External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid endorsed Shinde’s statement, saying that it was based on facts. Meanwhile, Indian Home Secretary R K Singh revealed that during investigation the government had found ten names of the Hindu extremists, associated with RSS, who were involved in these terror attacks including Ajmer Sharif.

Similarly on July 19, 2013, the Indian ex-investigating officer Satish Verma disclosed that terror-attacks in Mumbai in November 26, 2008 and assault on Indian Parliament in January 12, 2001 were carried out by the Indian government to strengthen anti-terrorism laws.

While, India has always accused Pakistan’s ISI of these acts of terrorism, but it is quite silent over Hindutva-terror which has obtained a new face, under the fundamentalist Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as Indian RAW, country’s high officials and fundamentalist parties have co-relationship.

Nevertheless, despite the confessions of Swami Aseemanand, instead of taking action against the culprits of the Samjhota Express explosion, the Supreme Court of India accepted the bail of Swami Aseemanand after the covert interference of the Modi-led authorities who changed the investigations in this respect in order to weaken the case.