Sunday, October 14, 2018

Need to modernise brick kilns, Pakistan

Pakistani Punjab (and Indian Punjab and Delhi) experience smog in the winters. These phenomena results in closure of airports, flights diversions, accidents, closure of main high ways and health problems. The reasons for this smog are said to be: burning of crops in Indian (and Pakistani Punjab);   Industrial pollution; and coal fired power plants in India. Punjab government has since last two years closed brick kilns and some other industries in winter, this has resulted in ; hardship of the day labor involved in brick kiln industry who have few alternatives ; sharp increase in price of bricks ; and decreased construction activity. The brick kiln industry in Pakistan is very poorly regulated and there are opportunities to seek medium to long term modernization of this industry. The need is to modernize this neglected industry.
Kiln Technology
Kilns are thermally insulated chambers, or ovens, in which controlled temperature regimes are produced. They are used to burn coal or dry materials. The bricks to be fired are loaded into the kiln. The kiln is sealed and the internal temperature increased according to a schedule. After the firing process has been completed, both the kiln and ware are cooled. Kiln technology is very old, and the development of kiln from a simple earthen trench filled with pots and fuel to modern methods has taken place in stages. One improvement was the construction of a firing chamber around pots with baffles and a stoking hole. This allowed heat to be conserved and used more efficiently. The use of a chimney stack improves the airflow or the "draw" of the kiln, thus burning the fuel more efficiently.

          Brick Kiln Industry status quo
 Pakistan needs to consider introducing alternative technologies to avoid environmental degradation and fuel wastage, both of which are interrelated factors in the overall national economic context. There are more than 10,000 brick kilns in Pakistan engaging approximately one million direct workers living and working in atrocious conditions. Social evils such as child and bonded labor, supply of unhygienic water, poor sanitation and adverse health conditions are rampant at brick kilns. These issues need to be addressed urgently Brick production sector in Pakistan is still being operated on centuries old Bull Trench Kiln (BTK) technology which is fuel wasting, contributes to environmental pollution and causes considerable emission of greenhouse gases. There is, therefore, a need to start the process of exploring innovative scientific technologies to counter all this negative fallout of brick kiln operations.

Due to their unusual working conditions and exposure to polluted air and contaminated water, brick kiln workers are prone to fall prey to diseases such as hepatitis A & E, polio, dengue fever, tuberculosis, backache and hernia, which constitute a national loss, because a healthy and contented kiln workforce, aided by modern technology, can play a pivotal role in the execution of mega infrastructure projects that the government plans to undertake.

There are two important aspects of the brick kiln industry: the socio-economic and health-related issues of kiln workers who are often kept in virtual serfdom along with their families, and fuel efficiency and cost of the brick manufacturing process.
The current figures on coal consumption from the Economic Survey of Pakistan 2011-12 reveals that the major users of coal in the country are the cement sector and brick kilns; about 60 percent of total coal is Consumed by cement while 39 percent is consumed by the brick kiln industry during current Year as compared to 62 percent consumption of coal in cement industry and 37 percent in Brick kiln industry last year. About 56.5 percent of total coal extracted in the country has been consumed by the brick kilns industry whereas 42.7 percent by cement industry during the period July-March 2010-11.

The coal consumption shares of brick kilns decreased by 2.4 percent and that of cement industry increased by 3.1 percent. The percentage share of power sector declines by 1.24 percent during July-March 2010-11 compared against the same period last year

Consumption of Coal by Various Sectors (Percentage Share)
Brick Kilns
2010-11 (e)

It is expected that the coal consumption in the country would vary against the variations in demand for bricks and cement, being the primary consumers in Pakistan. With current surge for increasing housing demands at the aftermath of recent floods and growing population, it can be safely vouched that the demand for local coal would increase, the local coal mining (and all mining) are very poorly regulated and monitored sectors .There is a strong need for formulating a national coal policy and sustainable exploration in order to not only cater for current energy needs but also environmental needs of future generations. The brick kiln industry if modernized would have decreasing energy needs per brick produced and also would result in an improvement In environmental impacts related to brick kiln industry.

Improved Brick Kilns
Since the advent of industrial age, kilns have been designed to utilize electricity and more refined fuels, including natural gas and propane. A majority of large industrial pottery kilns now use natural gas, as it is generally clean, efficient and easy to control. Pakistan needs to introduce a non-polluting technology with lower energy consumption. It is also necessary to improve the working conditions of kiln workers who are subjected not only to unprecedented levels of pollution, but also to serious health hazards. Even a modest reduction in specific consumption of fuel would have a significantly positive impact on national energy scenario.

The VSBK technology can be best applied to the medium-sized brick kilns. There are several site-specific factors, ie quality of raw materials (soil and fuel) used for brick making, skills, labor cost, the quality and price of bricks and so forth. The economic analysis of the VSBK technology, as compared to the BTK, shows that the former requires an investment about a quarter higher than that needed for the latter.

Since no infrastructure project can be executed without an efficient and cost-effective brick manufacturing industry, the government should pay greater heed to modernizing brick kilns. It should also ensure that service conditions of kiln workers are brought at par with industrial workers of all sectors of the economy. 
 Islamabad brick kiln owners had last year launched a new technology called Vertical-Shaft Brick Kiln Technology (Hi-VSBK) to enable kilns to use less energy with a lower level of air pollution. After successful generation of Vertical-Shaft Brick Kiln Technology (Hi-VSBK) in Nepal and its successful start in Afghanistan, the Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation (SDC) had commissioned Skat to transfer the 3-G-VSBK at Lohi Bher and 3-G-VSBK new Chinese brick manufacturing technology combining with energy efficient firing of the Vertical Kiln with traditional slow cooling.

Zig-Zag Kilns
 Fixed Chimney Bull’s Trench Kiln (FCBTK) have been operational in sub-continent for several decades. The performance of existing brick kilns can be improved by retrofit to superior design i.e  Zig – Zag kiln. Existing FCBTKs can be easily retrofitted to Zig – Zag design and the cost of retrofitting is nearly 2 – 2.5 million Rs.
As per Brick Association in Pakistan, about 15,000 brick kilns with coal as primary fuel remain operational for 10 months per year on average: Average coal consumption per kiln per annum=1200 tons  Average Bricks production per kiln per annum (@20,000 bricks per day) = 6 million Total Coal Consumption by 15,000 kilns per Annum = 18 Million Tons  Total Annual Brick Production by 15000 kilns where coal is the primary fuel = 90 billion   Demo 500 Kilns  Annual Consumption of Coal = 6,00,000 tons
Retrofit Cost for 500 kilns = 1.25 billion Pak Rs. Investment required during 2 Years for retrofits= 1.25 Billion Pak Rs.~10.86 Million USD @115 Pak Rs/USD Pay back=less than 6 months (less coal, more A-Grade bricks, less material loss etc)  Coal Reduction Potential per Annum for 500 kiln= 1,80,000 Tonnes = 0.125 MTOE.  1TOE=1.43 TCE

Introduction of Internal Fuel Green Brick (IFGB) Firing in Traditional Brick Kilns of Pakistan
Internal Fuel Brick Firing is an energy efficient technique of brick firing/ baking in a brick kiln. In this technique, the coal or fuel is pulverized through mechanical means if not available in powder form, weighed through a scale and an amount proportionate to the mass of the brick is mixed in the clay used for making the bricks prior to its firing in the kiln. The technique is widely used in Vietnam, China and some parts of India and Nepal to achieve higher efficiency of the coal firing and achieve better quality bricks from a brick kiln. Pakistani entrepreneurs are yet to experiment and promote this efficient technique in their traditional way of brick making.

Energy Efficient Brick Production Project (2008-2011) of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Techno Green Association (TGA) after gaining experience in Internal Fuel Technology at VSBK during the last years went on to introduce the technology in traditional Bulls Trench Kilns in Pakistan during the last year of the project. The experiment was the first of its kind and had no previous examples in the South Asian region. Two successful trials on firing/baking of Internal Fuel Green Bricks (IFGBs) were conducted at two different BTKs around Rawalpindi/ Islamabad. The BTKs selection was made on the recommendation of the local brick kilns owners association. The first trial of firing 200,000 green bricks was conducted during the months of May- July  2011,  while  the  second  test  of  300,000  bricks  was  made  during  Oct-Nov  2011.  A capitalization  workshop  on  the  subject  technology  was  organised  in  December  2011  in collaboration with local brick association.

The IFGBs is a lasting success in improving the traditional brick kilns’ fuel efficiency viz-a-viz environment friendliness in the history of the project. At the end of the year through successful trials and effective marketing, EEBP project received five requests from local kiln entrepreneurs to provide them with technical help in applying the technology, however due to time constraints and unfortunate decision on project closure from SDC, their requests went in vain.

Following are some of the key notes from the two successful trials made at BTKs;

a.        Fuel Saving
The existing firing practice in the brick kilns could only achieve coal consumption of 200- 210 gm/brick to mark maximum efficiency and application of extra-ordinary skills from fire masters. The trial experiment of IFGBs firing at BTKs showed that the coal consumption during the internal fuel brick firing was reduced up to 20%, which means that the per brick consumption while firing with Internal Fuel (IF) remained 160-170 gm.

b.        Efficient Kiln Firing
Since the internal fuelling method provides excellent mode of fuel distribution in the kiln, the kiln attains maximum efficiency in terms of firing/baking the bricks. The wastage is minimized and reduced up to 15-20% if compared to normal brick firing with same kiln conditions.

c.       Higher Quality and Quantity
The quality of bricks produced with IF is excellent with metallic ring and uniform yellow color. The test results showed that the bricks achieved strength (2300 psi) well beyond the standards required (1600 psi) for building construction in Pakistan. Due to firing of IFGBs in BTK, the speed of firing cycle (Chakkar) increases thus reducing the number of days spent on one Chakkar (cycle) for the same number of bricks; therefore the overheads also reduced accordingly. This way, the yearly fired brick production increases by 2.4 million bricks and approximately annual earnings of Pak Rs. 5.0 Million could additionally be achieved.  
d.       Environmental Protection
The kiln efficiency and environmental pollution are interrelated. As long as the kiln is fired in an efficient manner with sufficient air supply and complete combustion of applied fuel, the kiln emissions contain fewer contents that could harm the environment particularly the human life, otherwise known as pollution. Since the IF provided efficient kiln firing, the resultant emissions fully endorsed the principles of combustion vs. emissions and the kiln emissions were found drastically lowered than normal kiln emissions. The IFGBs firing was duly tested by the provincial and federal Environmental Protection Agencies and declared the emissions well within the National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS).Table below provides summary of the emissions recorded by the respective agencies.

Table   Comparison of Kiln Emissions against standard NEQS

Normal         Bricks Firing
Particulate Matter (PM10)
Doesn’t exist
*MBTK-Modified Bulls Trench Kiln (Indian Design-a solitary BTK exists in Burhan-Pakistan)

e.       Safer Work Conditions
Since the IFGBs production allows controlled consumption of fuel and less emissions of harmful gaseous material, the workers on the kiln are directly benefited from the safer work conditions. The fuel mixing in the clay has another added advantage of soft molding and ease in brick making which alternatively increases the daily production of green brick making labor thus increasing their daily wages/income.

f.          Increased Wages for Labor Force
The internal fuel brick making creates a win-win situation for the owner and the labor force of the brick kilns. Since the crushing and proportionate mixing of coal requires additional labor which the green brick molders provide on overtime basis, the normal wages of the labour increases by 25-30% against their otherwise daily wages. The owner gets benefited from the higher rate of production and fuel saving with application of efficient kiln firing practices.

Economic & Cost Benefit Analysis

  The brief economic analysis of brick kilns shows the average profit margins in this business.   are high enough for considering it as an industrial unit albeit working silently unto the peripheries of urban areas. There is a serious need to consider the sector in order to cater for the energy conservation issues and quality of building construction in the country.


             Legal Framework

According to the Pakistan Environment Protection Agency (PEPA) 1997 in clause (xxiv) section 2, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) shall precede all projects that may have an environmental impact. Since this is a socio-economic development project whose planned activities likely do not fall under the criteria of development projects which need EIA, therefore only an Environmental Assessment (EA) of project is required under the PEPA Review of Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2000.

There is a widespread belief that brick kilns, specially the emissions thereof, are a major cause of widespread respiratory and other diseases for the workers and residents of the areas within the reach of the smoke. This belief is also confirmed from the review of available literature, meetings with the experts and has surfaced again in the qualitative survey done by the team for this study. A most ostensible reason why no action has been taken to address this issue is the absence of brick kiln specific legislation and support from scientific research.   A review of the EIA reports for the housing colonies of Lohi Bher, Islamabad also confirms that the issue of brick kiln smoke hazard was never considered.

Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997

This Act provides for the protection, conservation, rehabilitation and improvement of the environment, prevention and control of pollution, and for promotion of sustainable development. It also aims to prevent any activity that has adverse environmental impact. Section 2 of this Act defines adverse environmental impact as impairment of or damage to the environment inclusive of impairment or damage to human health and safety or to biological diversity or property, pollution or any adverse environmental effect as may be specified in the regulations framed under this Act.\

Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Initial Environmental Examination and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2000

This Regulation provides the basis, criteria and procedures for the preparation of environmental studies for all projects likely to impinge on the environment. It also specifies the procedure
whereby environmental approval is granted by the federal or provincial agencies for such projects.
Schedules I and II of the Regulation list the projects that require either an IEE of EIA.

However, none of the Schedules lists Brick Kiln as a project worth undertaking of an IEE or EIA. Resultantly brick makers are free to construct any type of kilns anywhere they like without hindrance. The only known action taken by EPA against brick kilns is the Environmental Protection Order issued against two kilns near Khanna Bridge, Islamabad, and that too not on account of public health but due to haze that is inconvenient to aircrafts landing and taking off from the nearby airport. This case, however, remains un-decided as the brick makers have lodged appeals in the Environmental Tribunals under the PEPA 1997.  


 Recommendations which are Pakistan specific and given as follows
               Immediate Measures
Small scale, simple and low cost interventions yielding tangible and visible results, when offered within the prevailing system will readily be accepted by the kiln owners and workers alike. Following small scale energy conservation actions at basic kiln units can substantially capitalize on the energy saving potential, when implemented at national level keeping in view the economy of scale:-

Awareness through IEC Materials.. To create awareness amongst the stake holders about the  needed  improvements,  benefits  which  can  be  accrued  from  the  recommended
interventions  and  the  methods  through  which  these  benefits  can  be  achieved,
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials be prepared and disseminated.

Introduction of Brick Kiln Trades.. Trades, specific to brick kilns, such as Kiln Supervisor, Master Moulder, Fire Master, Extruder operator etc be introduced at District Trade Training Schools” and workers be trained on the scientific based curriculum. Presently there is no such training arrangement/ institution available for the kiln workers.

Interventions .  Interventions are enumerated as under:-

(1)  Improvement in green brick making practices and procedures such as soil selection its seasoning, mixing of internal fuel, maturing and ensuring optimal moisture content at the time of brick loading into the kiln.
(2)  Enhancing firing efficiency through selection of quality coal, reducing it to desired size, appropriate stoking of coal and monitoring the fire for temperature adjustments.

(3)  Periodically conducting the “Energy Audit at brick kilns, by the owners/ workers themselves.

(4)  Free Technical Support. Kiln owners/ entrepreneurs be provided with free technical support for energy conservation measures i.e. availability of green brick making manual, guide line on efficient firing techniques, modified kiln designs, construction drawings and technical trouble shooting check lists for the kilns etc.

Long Term Measures

a.   Statutory and Regulatory Legislation for the Sector. Brick sector of Pakistan is un- regulated undocumented and not even recognized as a cottage industry. Pakistan Standard and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA), Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (PCSIR), Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and different other public sector organizations have issued standards and quality control statutes for products and industries but none has framed kiln specific standards which are mandatory for regulating the sector for improvement. Statutes specific to bricks kilns, establishing  base  line  standards  on  quality  bricks,  energy  efficient  kiln  designs, emissions  etc  need to be  promulgated for  implementation  and improving  upon the sector.

b.  Approved Kiln Technologies. Energy efficient kiln technologies alternate to traditional, in- efficient kilns be approved/ specified for small, medium and large enterprises e.g. VSBK, Mod BTK, Habla Kiln, Hybrid Hoffman Kiln and Tunnel Kiln.

c.   Mechanized Green Brick Making. Mechanized IFGB be approved for the specified technologies, a mandatory provision for successful adoption of these high production technologies. This will not only conserve energy but will also eradicate the curse of child women and bonded labor issues for which the brick sector is notorious.

d.   Public Private Partnership (PPP) Initiatives. Energy efficient technologies yielding high production, stipulate substantial capital investment which can be reassured by the government through PPP ventures.

e.  Establishment of Provincial Brick Authorities. These authorities  will have a focused approach on issues pertaining to the brick sector, besides the energy conservation will also specify the locations of brick fields away from fertile lands, vocational training for the women, occupational safety and health at the kilns etc. etc.

f.    Status of Industry. Brick sector needs to be given the status of an industry to avail the industrial privileges facilitating the implementation of energy efficiency improvements  .

Demand for Bricks: Bricks are the major ingredients in construction material. Pakistan is in huge deficit of housing for which both public and private sectors are initiating mega projects. Building and construction activities are at lower pace at present due to current economic crisis and socio-political situation. However a boom in the sector is expected as soon as the situation improves. A proper handling of this huge demand for brick could effectively be utilized for the technological advancement in this field.

Supply Side: Brick Industry in Pakistan is a neglected sector and is running on traditional unorganized pattern. The brick kilns are operating mainly to cater for the needs of local areas and are uncoordinated. Labor at these kilns is seasonal and production is intermittent for an average period  of  eight  months  in  a  year  with  intervals  in  between.  Due to present slump in the construction business, many of the kilns are working under capacity.

Lack of Knowledge and Research: Brick business in Pakistan grossly lacks modern knowledge about mechanization and innovative methods. None of the respondents in brick kilns was found using computers or other IT equipment at their sites. Those few who are conversant with modern knowledge and technique are uncoordinated.

Environment Concerns are Looming: Despite the ignorance of majority of EPs regarding environmental pollution created by the traditional BTK, the fact is that this issue will be a major concern in coming days. The countries are under global obligations to reduce emission of polluting gases such as produced by the brick kilns. The government has recently decided to relocate BTKs from outskirts of Islamabad. The project needs to devise a comprehensive strategy to be proactively involved at relevant quarters in this arena. The Capital Development Authority has learnt to hint at financial requirement for relocation of BTKs. The project may negotiate to fill the gap by investing on Public-Private-Partnership.

Social Conditions Improvement of Brick Kiln Labor
  Interventions proposed as a way forward:

a.    Ensuring that workers obtain NICs for themselves, and their families including birth registration of their children. The NICs are critical for access to social protection programs of the government, as well as ensuring that workers can access social services and exercise their rights as voters.

b.    Adult Literacy and/or Vocational Training with compensation (and in-built requirements for completion of course) so livelihood is not affected.  Alternative skills training  can  be initiated.

c.    Schooling for children through lobbying with the Education Ministry/Department for implementation of Education for All (EFA) and provision of non-formal schools in the area.

d.    Access to better quality government health facilities through lobbying with district governments.

e.    Explore the possibility of health insurance schemes for the poor as initiated by RSPN
/PRSP in Punjab.

f.     Improved work conditions such as shelter to protect from adverse weather conditions; improved work timings, fewer hours of work (than the present 11-13 hours) and minimum wage, equal pay for equal work. Simple facilities on the work site such as clean drinking water and first-aid box can also be initial steps to improve work conditions that do not require substantial investments. The provision of latrines at the worksite, though it requires a small investment, is a must.

g.    Improved living conditions for the workers who live on the site: This includes infrastructure improvements such as improved building materials in houses, provision of latrines, proper drains, running water, safe drinking water, piped gas for cooking etc.

h.    Employers/owners emphasized the introduction of fuel-efficient technologies more than
the introduction of mechanization. We believe such technologies should be introduced but the profits that accrue should be shared with the workers in the form of improved work and
living conditions.

i.      Tripartite dialogue between employers, workers and stakeholders to ensure 2-way benefits accruing from fuel-efficient technology transfers.

j.      Interface with private sector businesses for accessing better technologies and financial incentives that will result in environmentally responsible practices as well as direct material benefits to workers.

k.    Explore the possibility of forming formal forums for dispute resolution and associations for articulating workers’ demands.

Environmental Aspects of Brick Kilns

a.            Data on emissions from brick kilns for Pakistan does not exist; therefore, primary data must be collected. Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency is the appropriate agency to be contacted in this regard.

b.            Data on health impacts of brick kiln is also not available. Pakistan Medical Research Council is the appropriate body to be contacted in this regard.

c.            One way forward to bring brick kilns into the realm of monitoring of environmental agencies is to lobby for the recognition of brick kiln as an industry in the Pakistan Environmental laws.

d.            Like India and Nepal Standards, for brick kilns in particular emissions are much needed in Pakistan.

e.            Studies are needed to assess the health impacts of brick kiln smoke on the adjoining residential areas and the same may be compared with control areas to draw inferences.

f.             Proper Guidelines for Brick kiln workers especially those involved in coal fire should be prepared.

g.            Alternate coal fire ignition fuels be considered instead of used tires

h.            Environmental education of brick kiln owners, workers  and those living nearby is needed.

i.              Research on brick kiln emissions, effects of top soil removal for green brick making, vegetation trends on abandoned sites of kilns, comparison of vegetation at kiln sites and control sites, and faunal surveys and assessments of PAHs and ionized silicates emissions are much need.

Green Brick Making

        Introduction of good practices for green brick making like (i) mechanized green making, (ii) fencing and covering / storage under sheds, (iii) proper brick stacking techniques, (iv) artificial drying, using exhaust air

        Separate studies may be carried out to: determine the suitability and availability of mud for green brick making from canals and water courses dredging determine the viability of fly ash bricks in Pakistan

        The local brick making plants can be the most suited mechanized green brick making technology in areas / localities facing power connectivity and supply issues.

Brick Making

        Introduction of best practices in terms of (i) Solid fuel placement in kiln and (ii) Air-flow control technologies / techniques

        The local FCBTKs and Modified FCBTKs are not as environmental friendly as deemed necessary. At the same time the Hoffman kiln has the longest pay-back period and is the most capital intensive. The two alternates available are the VSBK and tunnel Kiln. The two types have certain advantages in terms of fuel efficiency, emissions, productivity, yield etc. The tunnel kiln is, however, more capital intensive as compared to the VSBK.

        While “re-introducing the VSBK, lessons from the past should be given due consideration, in terms of sustainability of efforts, long term technical and training support etc.

        A core group of engineers and technicians should to be trained as master trainers to provide further training and disseminate good practices on a large scale.

        Introducing the concept of cluster councils can help the kiln owners to deal with issues like training, testing & inspection and marketing

        A separate study may be conducted to Analyze the viability of tunnel technology in Pakistan’s perspective along with the VSBK; covering aspects like increased production capacity, adaptability to local conditions etc.. Analyze the technological aspects of briquetting technology for brick making sector, in terms of brick raw material and multiple-fuels. It may also include the development of briquetting techniques and equipment

Update: Dec., 24, 2018

South Punjab’s first-ever zigzag brick kiln has been made operational in Jahanian, Khanewal district. After Lahore, this is the first kiln in South Punjab with has been converted to the zigzag technology. The technology has reduced coal consumption by 40%. “Over 0.7 million bricks can be baked at the same time Around Rs10 million were spent on constructing this brick kiln. Not only does it not cause pollution, it is also cost effective,”  Environmental expert Dr Umar Ghouri says that zigzag brick kilns emit white smoke, which is not harmful for human health, as compared to the black smoke which is emitted from traditional kilns. Government had directed owners to convert to zigzag technology. The technology, which is originally from Nepal, was introduced in Pakistan with the cooperation of the Brick Kiln Owners Association of Pakistan (BKOAP) about a year ago.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Smart Grids, the new power sector configuration

Smart Grids, the new power sector configuration
A smart grid is an electrical grid which includes a variety of operational and energy measures including smart meters, smart appliances, renewable energy resources, and energy efficient resources  Electronic power conditioning and control of the production and distribution of electricity are important aspects of the smart grid. It is digital technology that allows for two-way communication between the utility and its customers, and the sensing along the transmission lines is what makes the grid smart. Like the Internet, the Smart Grid will consist of controls, computers, automation, and new technologies and equipment working together, but in this case, these technologies will work with the electrical grid to respond digitally to our quickly changing electric demand.
The basic concept of Smart Grid is to add monitoring, analysis, control, and communication capabilities to the national electrical delivery system to maximize the throughput of the system while reducing the energy consumption. The Smart Grid will allow utilities to move electricity around the system as efficiently and economically as possible. It will also allow the homeowner and business to use electricity as economically as possible. You may want to keep your house set at 75 degrees F in the summertime when prices are low, but you may be willing to increase your thermostat to 78 degrees F if prices are high. Similarly, you may want to dry your clothes for 5 cents per kilowatt-hour at 9:00 pm instead of 15 cents per kilowatt-hour at 2:00 pm in the afternoon. You will have the choice and flexibility to manage your electrical use while minimizing your costs.
Smart Grid builds on many of the technologies already used by electric utilities but adds communication and control capabilities that will optimize the operation of the entire electrical grid. Smart Grid is also positioned to take advantage of new technologies, such as plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, various forms of distributed generation, solar energy, smart metering, lighting management systems, distribution automation, and many more.
Traditionally, energy systems from power generation to homes are one-directional and based on more predictable, controllable and centralised power generation, Increasingly, more energy is being generated locally and connected directly to distribution networks, from solar panels on your roof, to small power plants. This is generally referred to by DSOs as distributed energy resources (DER) and in the specific case of renewables, distributed renewable energy sources (DRES).
The grid of yore is a one way transmission of energy; from power plant to transmission lines, substations and transformers to your home and to businesses. Plug in your smartphone and voilà you have electricity. Through the 9,200 generating units and the 300,000 miles of transmission lines, the current grid's generating capacity is 1 million megawatts. While impressive, we have patched this antiquated system to the point where the underlying structure is no longer viable enough to meet the needs of the 21st century and beyond.
 A smart grid not only carries electricity from a power plant to the source of need, it also carries information to and from all points of interaction. Using the binary blessing of digital technology, two–way communication can be built into the grid to give utility companies moment to moment knowledge of electrical demand and disruptions. Using automation and computers as well as existing and emerging technologies and equipment, the smart grid will also make smart utility companies, smart homes, and smart businesses to augment the entire electrical exchange making efficiency the premier benefit of the smart grid.
Energy systems are changing – fundamentally and fast. The importance of individual energy sources and options for power generation are changing, as are the ways in which electricity is transmitted and distributed. Power generation is becoming more and more decentralized making grid management increasingly complex. Electrical consumption continues to steadily rise all over the world.
Since the early 21st century, opportunities to take advantage of improvements in electronic communication technology to resolve the limitations and costs of the electrical grid have become apparent. Technological limitations on metering no longer force peak power prices to be averaged out and passed on to all consumers equally. In parallel, growing concerns over environmental damage from fossil-fired power stations has led to a desire to use large amounts of renewable energy. Dominant forms such as wind power and solar power are highly variable, and so the need for more sophisticated control systems became apparent, to facilitate the connection of sources to the otherwise highly controllable grid   Power from photovoltaic cells (and to a lesser extent wind turbines) has also, significantly, called into question the imperative for large, centralized power stations. The rapidly falling costs point to a major change from the centralized grid topology to one that is highly distributed, with power being both generated and consumed right at the limits of the grid. Finally, growing concern over terrorist attack in some countries has led to calls for a more robust energy grid that is less dependent on centralized power stations that were perceived to be potential attack targets.
Meeting these challenges requires cutting-edge products and services covering the entire energy value chain. Specifically, it calls for a comprehensive portfolio of physical and digital technologies, products and solutions that allow us to actively build our energy future. Continuous and expanded growth of the share of renewable in centralized and decentralized grids require an effective new approach to grid management, making full use of “smart grids” and “smart grid technologies”. According to a report of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IREA), there is a growing evidence in many countries that high levels of renewable energy penetration in the grid is technically and economically feasible, particularly as solar and wind technologies increasingly reach grid parity in economic terms.
Existing grid systems already incorporate elements of smart functionality, but this is mostly used to balance supply and demand. Smart grids incorporate information and communications technology in every aspect of electricity generation, delivery and consumption in order to minimize environmental impact, enhance markets, improve reliability and service and reduce costs and improve efficiency.
These technologies can be implemented at every level, from generation technologies to consumer appliances. As a result, smart grids can play a crucial role in the transition to a sustainable energy future in several ways: facilitating smooth integration of high shares of variable renewable; supporting the decentralized production of power; creating new business models through enhanced information flows, consumer engagement and improved system control; and providing flexibility on the demand side.

·         Efficient transmission of electricity
·         Peak demand will be leveled off, which will help to reduce overall electrical rates
·         Integration of solar and wind power, micro–grids and large–scale systems will be included
·         Interruptions in electrical service can be recovered more quickly through rerouting
·         Increased security by improving native energy sources and making the grid less prone to disasters or attacks
·         Produces opportunity for new markets, products and services
·         The customer can   manage   electrical usage to save money
·         Smart meters are becoming more common and allow the customer  to see how much electricity is used and when and the cost of it simply by logging on to online account
·         Monthly statements may simply be a way of collecting money –  customers online account will be able to give  real time information about how and when the customer can change your power demands to reduce your costs
·         This is especially beneficial if  there is a  solar or wind system installed in the  home or business so the user  can regulate and even out demand to get the most from the renewable energy systems
·         Reduced operations and management costs for utilities, and ultimately lower power costs for consumers
·         Increased integration of large-scale renewable energy systems
·         Better integration of customer-owner power generation systems, including renewable energy systems
·         Improved security

Smart grids comprise a broad mix of technologies for modernizing electricity networks, extending from the end-user to the distribution and transmission levels.
Improved monitoring, control and automation technologies can help to enable new business models while unlocking system-wide benefits including reduced outages, improved response times, deferral of investment in the grids themselves and the integration of distributed energy resources.
At the end-user level, smart grids can enable demand flexibility and consumer participation in energy systems, including through demand response, electric vehicle charging and self-produced distributed generation and storage.
Demand flexibility can increase the overall capacity of the system to host variable renewable while accelerating the electrification of heating, cooling and industry at lower costs. Deploying a physical layer of smart grid infrastructure – underpinned by smart meters – can help to unlock these benefits.
Smart meter deployment has seen great strides in recent years in a few key regions  at the distribution level, “smartening” energy systems through information and communication technology (ICT) allows for optimization of grid monitoring and control. In particular, data and analytics allow for the real-time monitoring of conditions, opening up possibilities for predicting failures and carrying out remote maintenance.
Better and cheaper sensors are improving the visibility of grid conditions, allowing the physical capacity of the network to be increased. Overall, digital energy networks reduce the need to build new power lines or invest in physical network assets.
At the transmission level, new high voltage technologies allow for greater interconnection between networks and the connection of remote energy resources. Digital smart control technologies allow transmission networks to operate at higher capacities, closer to their physical limits. They can also improve management of interconnections between regions and countries.  
The Smart Grid represents an unprecedented opportunity to move the energy industry into a new era of reliability, availability, and efficiency that will contribute to our economic and environmental health. During the transition period, it will be critical to carry out testing, technology improvements, consumer education, development of standards and regulations, and information sharing between projects to ensure that the benefits we envision from the Smart Grid become a reality.  
Today, an electricity disruption such as a blackout can have a domino effect—a series of failures that can affect banking, communications, traffic, and security. This is a particular threat in the winter, when homeowners can be left without heat. A smarter grid will add resiliency to our electric power System and make it better prepared to address emergencies such as severe storms, earthquakes, large solar flares, and terrorist attacks. Because of its two-way interactive capacity, the Smart Grid will allow for automatic rerouting when equipment fails or outages occur. This will minimize outages and minimize the effects when they do happen. When a power outage occurs, Smart Grid technologies will detect and isolate the outages, containing them before they become large-scale blackouts. The new technologies will also help ensure that electricity recovery resumes quickly and strategically after an emergency—routing electricity to emergency services first, for example. In addition, the Smart Grid will take greater advantage of customer-owned power generators to produce power when it is not available from utilities. By combining these "distributed generation" resources, a community could keep its health center, police department, traffic lights, phone System, and grocery store operating during emergencies. In addition, the Smart Grid is a way to address an aging energy infrastructure that needs to be upgraded or replaced. It’s a way to address energy efficiency, to bring increased awareness to consumers about the connection between electricity use and the environment. And it’s a way to bring increased national security to our energy System—drawing on greater amounts of home-grown electricity that is more resistant to natural disasters and attack.
Giving Consumers Control
The Smart Grid is not just about utilities and technologies; it is about giving you the information and tools you need to make choices about your energy use. If you already manage activities such as personal banking from your home computer, imagine managing your electricity in a similar way. A smarter grid will enable an unprecedented level of consumer participation. For example, you will no longer have to wait for your monthly statement to know how much electricity you use. With a smarter grid, you can have a clear and timely picture of it. "Smart meters," and other mechanisms, will allow you to see how much electricity you use, when you use it, and its cost. Combined with real-time pricing, this will allow you to save money by using less power when electricity is most expensive. While the potential benefits of the Smart Grid are usually discussed in terms of economics, national security, and renewable energy goals, the Smart Grid has the potential to help you save money by helping you to manage your electricity use and choose the best times to purchase electricity. And you can save even more by generating your own power.

Smart grid technologies are divided roughly into three groups:
1. Well-established: Some smart grid components, notably distribution automation and demand response, are well-established technologies that directly enable renewable and are usually cost-effective, even without taking into consideration the undeniable benefits of sustainability related to renewable energy integration.
2. Advanced: Smart inverters and renewable forecasting technologies are already used to increase the efficiency and productivity of renewable power generation, yet tend to entail additional costs. These devices start to help noticeably when capacity penetration for renewable reaches 15 percent or more (on any section of the grid) and become essential as this capacity penetration approaches 30 percent, although there is little downside to choosing smart inverters even at low penetration levels.
3. Emerging: Distributed storage and micro-grids are generally not “entry level” smart grid technologies and thus are less well-developed. Most utilities focus on other technologies first, except in special circumstances (such as with grant funding, high reliability requirements, or remote locations).
This shows that a range of enhanced smart grid technologies is already available to improve grid performance and enable higher penetration levels of renewable energy. Furthermore, the use of smart grids is cost-effective when installing new grids or upgrading old ones. Examples of cost-effective smart grid technologies include “smart meters”, which can measure and track the output of a rooftop photovoltaic (PV) system and send that data back to the utility operating the grid, and “smart transformers” that will automatically notify grid operators and technicians if the transformer’s internal temperature exceeds normal limits.

Applications of smart grid technologies can be found across the world, from isolated islands to very large integrated systems. For developed countries, smart grid technologies can be used to upgrade, modernize or extend old grid systems, while at the same time providing opportunities for new, innovative solutions to be implemented. For developing and emerging countries, smart grid technologies are essential to avoid lock-in of outdated energy infrastructure, to attract new investment streams, and create efficient and flexible grid systems that are able to accommodate rising electricity demand and a range of different power sources.
With renewable power shares sure to continue increasing, smart grid technologies in combination with appropriate supporting policies and regulations will be essential to transform the electricity system and create the grid infrastructure to support a sustainable energy future.

 Demand response support
Demand response support allows generators and loads to interact in an automated fashion in real time, coordinating demand to flatten spikes. Eliminating the fraction of demand that occurs in these spikes eliminates the cost of adding reserve generators, cuts wear and tear and extends the life of equipment, and allows users to cut their energy bills by telling low priority devices to use energy only when it is cheapest.[19]
Currently, power grid systems have varying degrees of communication within control systems for their high-value assets, such as in generating plants, transmission lines, substations and major energy users. In general information flows one way, from the users and the loads they control back to the utilities. The utilities attempt to meet the demand and succeed or fail to varying degrees (brownouts, rolling blackout, and uncontrolled blackout). The total amount of power demand by the users can have a very wide probability distribution which requires spare generating plants in standby mode to respond to the rapidly changing power usage. This one-way flow of information is expensive; the last 10% of generating capacity may be required as little as 1% of the time, and brownouts and outages can be costly to consumers. 
Platform for advanced services

As with other industries, use of robust two-way communications, advanced sensors, and distributed computing technology will improve the efficiency, reliability and safety of power delivery and use. It also opens up the potential for entirely new services or improvements on existing ones, such as fire monitoring and alarms that can shut off power, make phone calls to emergency services, etc.

The bulk of smart grid technologies are already used in other applications such as manufacturing and telecommunications and are being adapted for use in grid operations.
·         Integrated communications: Areas for improvement include: substation automation, demand response, distribution automation, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), energy management systems, wireless mesh networks and other technologies, power-line carrier communications, and fiber-optics. Integrated communications will allow for real-time control, information and data exchange to optimize system reliability, asset utilization, and security.
·         Sensing and measurement: core duties are evaluating congestion and grid stability, monitoring equipment health, energy theft prevention,and control strategies support. Technologies include: advanced microprocessor meters (smart meter) and meter reading equipment, wide-area monitoring systems, dynamic line rating (typically based on online readings by Distributed temperature sensing combined with \ Real time thermal rating (RTTR) systems), electromagnetic signature measurement/analysis, time-of-use and real-time pricing tools, advanced switches and cables, backscatter radio technology, and Digital protective relays.
·         Smart meters.
·         Phasor measurement units. Many in the power systems engineering community believe that the Northeast blackout of 2003 could have been contained to a much smaller area if a wide area phasor measurement network had been in place.
·         Distributed power flow control: power flow control devices clamp onto existing transmission lines to control the flow of power within. Transmission lines enabled with such devices support greater use of renewable energy by providing more consistent, real-time control over how that energy is routed within the grid. This technology enables the grid to more effectively store intermittent energy from renewables for later use.
·         Smart power generation using advanced components: smart power generation is a concept of matching electricity generation with demand using multiple identical generators which can start, stop and operate efficiently at chosen load, independently of the others, making them suitable for base load and peakingpower generation.Matching supply and demand, called load balancing,is essential for a stable and reliable supply of electricity. Short-term deviations in the balance lead to frequency variations and a prolonged mismatch results in blackouts. Operators of power transmission systems are charged with the balancing task, matching the power output of all the generators to the load of their electrical grid. The load balancing task has become much more challenging as increasingly intermittent and variable generators such as wind turbines and solar cells are added to the grid, forcing other producers to adapt their output much more frequently than has been required in the past
·       Power system automation enables rapid diagnosis of and precise solutions to specific grid disruptions or outages. These technologies rely on and contribute to each of the other four key areas. Three technology categories for advanced control methods are: distributed intelligent agents (control systems), analytical tools (software algorithms and high-speed computers), and operational applications (SCADA, substation automation, demand response, etc.).  
The Future of the Smart Grid
  Industry, corporate & government money, and technology are pressing forward on building a Smart Grid. However, it isn't just the U.S. that needs to build a Smart Grid; this is a worldwide necessity. A report done by Memoori Business Intelligence Ltd,   found that Smart Grid equipment alone will require $2 trillion to "achieve full penetration of the world's existing grid . . to 2030"